add me and tell me what yours is...
USD = I will sell you a SHIT load of Solia for USD... lol.
Aurelian Shine I have three Solia Online • Login (view to see current MP) value of each = 4-5k. Say 13k total cost = 1.3m Gaia. 1m for those three items? If yes, I can offer more... just checking your price...
Kay, I may also be able to offer some USD if my check goes thought tonight
Usually it's 1:100, however that seems high. That's what it always has been on here xD. Logging into accounts... post some items in a minute...
Not sure, Its hard to set one seeing as there is hardly anyone selling anything to do with solia, at this point you could probably just tell me a few of the things you have and I can give an offer and work from there
Solia shit. I've got a stash pile of Solia shit. What's your ratio to Gaia gold?