Thanks. Now kick rockz cuh. That's all I wanted from you.
Cool. Could you tell me if/when you find it. Sort of important to me.
I may or may not have it on a flash drive somewhere as I recently cleaned all my flash drives. I'll search for it sometime this week.
I need the source code to my old DN bot and the DN cracking method (both Lua) that was in the works. Lost the logs so I can't dig up the pastebin or anything. If you still have the sources to those I would appreciate them.
Already on my way home. Unfortunately we didn't get to visit New York, but I did go to see my grandma in Texas. I'll try to get back active asap. Trying to be a whole lot more active online this year. Computer stuff. Sorry that it was sudden and all, when we were working on projects and junk.
I gotcha. Enjoy New York man.
Yo. Just wanted to tell you that my family and I are visiting New York for about a month. I'll be back on around Jan-Feb. Sudden, I know. Sucks but should be fun. See you then man. Keep active, keep busy. Do some projects and finish some DN stuff. #TheReturnDelayed
ye sure. Inbox me your email or w/e.
Is your body ready?
sup fgt