Ugh, Izzy my computer got f'd up. I had to send it in to get fixed and they had to wipe it >.< I know this is a really stupid question to ask, but do you have an account list I could use? I have to learn how to set an FLP up on youtube......
Umm yeah i oculd spread your flp and you can call me izzy
Before I forget would you rather be called Gina or izzy? And would you spread my flp if I give you some good accounts from it? It's the towns flp so it takes awhile to get good accounts
Nothing really...
What is up?!?!
Eh that sucks :/ Guess I'll have to buy it from google or something.
sadly i dont have the rally flp
I could do the 50/50 thing however it takes time for me to get accounts with the crap flps I have. By chance do you have the rally flp? I could get alot of good accounts with that.
and we split gold z 50/50 Or you could get 75 i could get 25
Sure, you mean like send alot of stuff to one account? That's fine with me