Flare doesn't have restructuring ability. He has the ability to move topics in the forums he is assigned and nothing more. You have like 5x the ability he does.
Yes, the technical name. Threshold was the first word that came to mind when I made this suggestion. It is more or less valid as well. And okay. I just thought it would be quicker that way seeing as how I only wanted to move around a few forums and considering Flare has this contemporary ability as well.
Those are called categories. And no ability to restructure the forum. You can make suggestions for how it should be changed in the Suggestions forum.
Contemporary ability to restructure the forums pls
The "Logical Lounge" threshold, yes. It makes more sense for introducing yourself to have more priority than the Junkyard or anything else.
Threads threshold?
Btw, move the Introduction section to the top of the threads threshold. It makes more sense and looks better that way. Just something that I've been finding quirky.
I guess the asterisks in the staff-middleman topic always throw me off. I suppose they just need renaming not removed. Also no physical items in the Marketplace yet. Let's start it simple and leave it digital goods. I'll update the rules topic.
Way ahead of you. Got rid of a couple excess stickies a couple days ago. But I don't see too much that needs to be altered at the moment. I only found one other sticky that isn't really necessary/outdated. Anything in particular in mind? (i.e. which threads/stickies do you see that need to be deleted or modified.) I think it's sufficiently cleaned up right now.
Can you clean up the stickies in the Marketplace? Combine them (not mine) into one? Or condense them in any way. Unstick any that are out of date. Unstick any that don't need to be stuck. Update any that need may be out of date. etccccccc.