Yo! Sorry about being really late on getting your pokemon. The last week has been crazy busy. I'll get them done before saturday-ish. Again sorry for the delay!
Oh Rofl I totally didn't even think of that to be honest. Haha Well errr now we know for next time? Lol
Could have found each other through Joe
Weird, for some reason I can't find you. D: Mine's my msn, which is evil_kitty_219@hotmail.com if you'd like to try and add me. You'll see Laurasauras Rex and that'd be me. Lol
different, rkenshinfanx@yahoo.com
I think I need your facebook. =P Same email as your msn?
I'm never on IM. Send it to me on Facebook and for that matter add me on facebook. That or make a thread in the JY. Both are the best ways to reach me it seems.
Coffin, why are you like never on msn. Lol How am I suppose to spam you with useless videos you don't care about!
Just remember don't feel bad it's what I do! No really I like being there for others. Sooo honestly if you need me anytime shoot me a pm! Thanks I'll try and I really hope your day gets better. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help kay?
Thanks but I'm good. Bogging someone down with my baggage seems wrong, plus I think I have to figure this bit out on my own. Have fun with whatever it is you're off to do.