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Fine you picky bastard what kind of ball do you want? (Lulz)
Nu I'm nuby Raichu You need to learn me RAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Lul *Returns to pokeball" COUGH" I need a upgraded pokeball it smells in here
Aren't you spose to say RAIIIIIIII?! Oh well what ever. *Clover throws a Ultraball* Hiiiiiyyyyyyyyyaaaaaa!
My Raichu is bad ass, fuck that thing up son! So I can catch it. >: D -serious face is serious-
oDear, Not train PikaPika *Raichu Uses thunderbolt on Darkrai*
+______+ Awesome. Fuck that you're gonna be a raichu. *rubs thunder stone on your forehead then feeds you a bunch of Tms* @_____@ Time to train!
Evolves into Pikachu Pika Pika
ALRIGHT I GOTZ A MASTERBALL THIS MEANZ I CAN BE POKEMANZ MASTERH! I shall train you, for you are my starter pokemon. D:< You better not suck. j/k
*GETS INSYD* *Drops masterball*