There are autoposters/spammer tuts. You have the only account creator tut. 1.[TuT] Making a Account creator.[TuT] Counts 2.[TuT] Making a simple spammer [VB] does not count 3.[Release] Gaiaonline World Spammer! Counts 4.[Release] Daliy Chance Getter Counts 5.[Release] Gaiaonline World Spammer! does not count I'm being nice and counting the daily chance thing, cause there are a ton of those and most are combined with other things. This is the end of this discussion.
I'm not trying to argue over this, But i'm pretty sure i'm the first to post the tut's and if im wrong please show me the evidence.
I know my rules: You posted two links that are the same and a tut we already have on how to make you exact program. You have three contributions as far as I'm counting.
A minimum of 5 contributions (Guides, Tutorials, or Successful Threads) Learn your rules.