I shouldn't be saying this, but just do the trade. I mean, it's LGG, we can just manipulate it as we wish...
Don't have MSN, and he probably doesn't either. It's not that I need a MM< it's the fact I'm going to be gone
Get on MSN and get the other guy too...
Care to MM for me? I'm not going to be on for the next week or so, so I could send you the LG gold, and just check the steam account if the guy sends the info, if it all checks out, change the pass and send gold. Walla.
Wanna sell your LG gold for Gaiaonline gold? If so, PM.
http://forum.logicalgamers.com/sell-...-all-them.html View this thread for cheap Gaiaonline Gold and items.
Hey. Interested in some Gaiaonline items? http://forum.logicalgamers.com/gaiao...shs-sales.html is a list of the items I sell