Want some Gaia gold/items for your LG gold? Send PM if so and I'll offer on your gold.
As you can probably tell by my activity, I'm not exactly into buying right now.
Want to buy some Gaya shit? I'll sell it uber fucking cheap. I'll sell some DJ's for like $50. I also have almost 250 mil in pure. If you find me a buyer, I'll give you 30%.
Ow ok I thought you were giving it away xD
Kinda looking for someone to buy it... xD
Um, response??????
The cracker(my version) I keep getting capatcha in two tries, I reset IP and still did it.
What the fucks going on? Your internet fucking up?
Second thought, just get on IM.
Hey man. Interested in LG gold? Saw that 12m pure you have. $1 per mil if not LG?