Simple Rules With Buying Here:
You Will Go First
USD Sales Will Go Through Google
Do Not Ask A Question Without Bidding
If You Do Not Bid Higher Than Lowest Accepted I REPORT You
I Reserve The Right Not To Sell

LG Prices
Autobuy:		50k LG
Lowest Bid Accepted:	40k LG

USD Prices
Autobuy:		$1.50
Lowest Bid Accepted: 	$0.92
I am worth: 618,055 Gold(Including current Pure)

Shadowlegend	379,962
Gee Boi Turbo VICTORY !	220,075
Year One Soldier's Sword	2,872
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Titan's Legacy (Seed)	2,854
Skittles Crazy Cores Top Hat	2,433
Wheat Stalk	2,300
Grey Beret	2,099
Wind Halo	1,975
Ninja Gi	1,917
Ninja Boots	1,833
Spirited 2k7 Peppermint Lollipop	1,500
Emperor's Brow	1,113
Gold Wrist Watch	1,050
Bonsai Wings	1,043