Hoarded about 150 divinity's reach CI's and ended up opening them >.< ( I cant help myself around RIG's...they're too much fun...) However, I finally lucked out and won a freaking halo. XD Taking offers on it, looking for USD only. PM me if you want proof, I'd be happy to oblige. ^_^ As for offers feel free to post or PM them.
Results 1 to 15 of 15
Thread: T/O on Angelic Halo
- 31 Dec. 2013 11:41pm #1
T/O on Angelic Halo
- 01 Jan. 2014 01:09am #2
how much usd are you looking for ?
- 01 Jan. 2014 01:49am #3
Not sure exactly, Its worth about 1.7+Billion gold (theres one on the MP for that from another user) so feel free to make an offer and we can work from there.
- 01 Jan. 2014 02:29am #4
Are you interested in selling other Gaia items, like an OMG, and Steel Plated Ninja Headband
- 01 Jan. 2014 02:31am #5
Sorry I'm just looking to sell my halo, dont have an OMG or NHB...sorry ^^'
- 01 Jan. 2014 03:16am #6
Good luck selling
- 01 Jan. 2014 12:47pm #7
Thanks hun ^_^
- 01 Jan. 2014 08:42pm #8
Angelic halos haven't been selling that high in a long time. Look at the ABP. :/ You're lucky to sell it for over 1bil. There are too many released, they're not rare.
- 01 Jan. 2014 08:49pm #9
I dont go by the ABP, and I'm not selling it for gold, trying to get USD for it ^^'
- 01 Jan. 2014 10:27pm #10
I was thinking $80 USD for it?
- 02 Jan. 2014 12:54am #11
ya no one should buy for over $50 on gaia anymore
you could spend 2 seconds actually getting the item yourself since theres so many ways now
- 02 Jan. 2014 02:28am #12
How much do you want for it?
- 02 Jan. 2014 04:06pm #13
People are dumb...
I KNOW you're not selling it for gold. Its gold value reflects what people are willing to pay. You're saying it's worth 1.7bil and it's not. It's barely worth a billion, which would drop the price significantly. Gold isn't worth much USD at the moment, people are selling large quantities for quick cash amounts.
Like Use said, no one should spend more than $50 on anything because there are a million and one ways to get lots of gold on gaya.
- 02 Jan. 2014 05:48pm #14
i when i sell gold ( IF I SALE GOLD ITS NORMALLY LIKE .5 TO 10 CENTS per mill maybe , if i just dont give it out
- 10 Feb. 2014 02:38pm #15