This is my old personal account never involved in anything illegitimate (however, you will see in the bottom pic that is was once permabanned, this was a mod mistake and the ban was immediately lifted, but the record remains)
The combat level is low 100s. The net-worth of the account is negligible. What gives this account value are the scythe and the cape eligibility.
This account is very fun especially around Halloween. People will often ask you where you got the scythe because they are so rarely seen. Then you tell them the tale: "well, nubcake, once upon a time back in 2003, you know, Runescape classic and all..."
I am most interested in being payed with Paypal. A Gaia account would also be a possibility.
Results 1 to 4 of 4
- 07 Sep. 2013 09:46pm #1
[Runescape] Selling 10 year cape eligible account with Halloween scythe
Last edited by cyanide; 15 Sep. 2013 at 02:33am.
- 08 Sep. 2013 10:15am #2
good luck on your sale
- 14 Sep. 2013 07:37am #3
Majority of people who buy RS accounts also buy for their skills, would it be wrong of me to ask you to post a picture of all your skill lvls?
- 15 Sep. 2013 02:38am #4
I can PM you that pic. I'd rather not post it publicly though. For anyone else reading just ask and I'll PM it to you too.
But in general I don't think the skills add a whole lot to the account value. I don't really know what the new combat levels mean but back in the day he was like level 55. In RS3 he's somewhere between level 100 and 110. The skills are more or less what you'd expect from a level 55/100 main who hasn't been played in 5 years.
I'll get that screenie to you in a sec