Photo Enlargements & Watermark Removal -- Dual Shop
Flareboy323 - "I vouch for SpornyTheAlien, he's legit!"
I want to sell my talent of enlargement. <<<Every man's dream.Professional watermark removal and enlargements at a cheap cost. How much do I charge? It all depends on the job, and I mainly just take offers, so offer anything.
-Will Accept-
Gaia Items/Gold
Real Life Items
I can enlarge photos with zero to very little loss in quality. Instead of enlarging a photo as one whole and having to add "guess" pixels to make up for lost space, I enlarge individual pixels one by one to keep the same quality as the original photos in both sharpness and detail.
-Sample that has been enlarged to a print size of 11x14 with no loss in quality-
Before -
After -
-Watermark Removal-
Believe it or not, watermark removal is even harder than enlarging and can sometimes take twice as long.
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Thread: Photo Enlargement [ USD & GG ]
- 31 Mar. 2013 10:54pm #1
Photo Enlargement [ USD & GG ]
Last edited by SpornyTheAlien; 01 Apr. 2013 at 12:44am.
- 31 Mar. 2013 11:27pm #2
Oh I know you, I used to be friends with you, I was in your guild once, anyway,
How To Enlarge Images Almost Without Quality Loss |
Enlarge Images Without Losing Quality/Pixelated ? 4 Must See Tools
- 31 Mar. 2013 11:32pm #3
I abandoned the guild a long time ago. rofl I really should get back to it someday.
Although the bi-cubic method is a great method, it is far more destructive than what I do. ^^ The closest thing I see is VectorMagic, which is a great alternative to what I produce. It still will not produce the same clear results though.
- 31 Mar. 2013 11:52pm #4
- 31 Mar. 2013 11:57pm #5
No. I use PhotoShop CS6 for all of my editing. My photography, watermark removal, and unique way of enlarging images. Gimp is a basic alternative to the old Photoshop CS4 and is a great program. Even with such programs if you do not have the knowledge (and skill) of how to perform such techniques (Which can take a long time to get done, even after experience in doing the same technique over and over) you can not get the same results. I learned my technique of enlarging from a photographer I met while on vacation last year. He had a HUGE vehicle skin of an elk he had photographed.
- 01 Apr. 2013 12:01am #6
- 01 Apr. 2013 12:07am #7
I already know that. Gimp IS a knock-off of Photoshop CS4. It is missing some features, sure, but more or less the same. I believe you are confused as to what Photoshop and Gimp are though. They are both photo editing programs. They are not "click and fix" programs. It takes skill to be able to do certain techniques. Hand me Gimp and I can do the same thing I can in Photoshop. (most of the time) Hand a normal user Gimp or Photoshop, and they will not know what they are doing.
I am not selling a program, I am selling my skills.
Edit: I do have to disagree about the customization thing. They are both the same with that.
- 01 Apr. 2013 01:32am #8
Although I assume there's actually a much more simple free way to do this than you're proposing, it's a really cool money making idea.
Aren't watermarks there for a reason though? I might turn you in to the cyber police for this one.I don't get tired.
- 01 Apr. 2013 02:22am #9
- 01 Apr. 2013 02:38am #10
Well, there is a much simpler way of enlarging...although it isn't free. It costs a very pretty 20,000 pennies. It's the same way I do mine though. To be honest, if anyone is actually interested in photography I wouldn't mind teaching them how for free. They would have to prove to me they are actually interested in it though. Something I would love to do in the future though is start an online (maybe a real life also) photography class. Admission of maybe $5 or $10 a month per student. Lets just say I HATE photography schools. I have never went to one and never will. Photography "professors" do not care about their students. They only care about the cash. John Free, a good street photography friend of mine made a video talking about his horror story. The "professor" threw his work in his face. One of the nuns there (catholic?) told him to not listen to the professor. He is now one of the greatest street photographers in my opinion. Right next to Henri Cartier Bresson.
As for watermarks, that has to be done manually. haha No automatic process to it what-so-ever.