Hello everyone, I have been searching for months for someone who plays Dead Frontier "and" Gaia Online and would like to trade their gaia gold/items/account for my remaining DF cash.
I currently have $2.5m and i also have:
GC Criss Victor
GC VSS Vintorez
XL Security Box
20/24 White Exterminator Mesh
This adds up to a total of around 4milIf you dont currently play Dead Frontier but would like to, this would be a truly AMAZING start
Thanks for reading, and offer away!
Results 1 to 1 of 1
- 15 Mar. 2013 08:44am #1
Trading Dead Frontier Cash for Gaia Gold/Account/Items (Around $4,000,000 to offer)
Last edited by indarknesswithout; 15 Mar. 2013 at 09:18pm.