All I'm selling is gaiaonline accounts. If your interested please leave a reply on the account your interested in.
Account #1: Autobuy: $30 <-- proof of 26mil
Account #2: Autobuy: $15Account Worth: 7,515,212 + 26mil gold
Thank You Letter for September 2005 1,500,000
Chyaku Norisu Scarf 639,800
Thank You Letter for Dec 2004 549,999
Angelic Bracelet 499,000
CoCo Kitty Plushie 458,000
Demonic Pitchfork 440,900
Pandy Pack 299,999
Dark Halo 249,000
Grunny Shirt 245,000
Bone Dragon Helm 204,000
G Pin 200,000
Guitar of Angellus 152,000
Guitar of Demona 145,500
Lunar Cowl 100,000
Anti Von Helson Picket Sign 100,000
Jacked Belt 99,999
Thank You Letter for December 2005 90,000
Whip of Fire 86,000
Lunar Cloak 82,828
Whip of Ice 69,999
Demonbow 60,000
Thank You Letter For August 2006 60,000
Thank You Letter For August 2006 60,000
Thank You Letter For August 2006 60,000
Prism Butterfly Mantilla 59,000
Long Drag 55,000
Solar Cloak 50,000
Nitemare Headband 50,000
Big Ghost Sheet 50,000
Solar Headdress 48,500
The Jack-et 48,000
The Jack-et 48,000
Ice Gauntlet 45,000
Ice Gauntlet 45,000
Mochi the Puppy 43,990
Gwee the Dragon 43,000
Thank You Letter for Jan 2006 40,000
Phoenix Circlet 34,000
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin') 32,999
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin') 32,999
Paper Party Hat 32,500
Winter Fox Mink 31,490
Chestplate of Arachne 24,500
Grunny Slippers 20,900
Grunny Slippers 20,900
Grunny Slippers 20,900
Easter Basket 2K5 19,000
Easter Basket 2K5 19,000
.-_.- Glasses 18,500
Black Olympic Tshirt 14,000
Anti Gambino Picket Sign 11,000
Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat 10,800
Account #3: Autobuy: $3Account Worth: 14,879,587 + 256k Gold
Fuzzy Penguin Slippers 2,190,000
The Bundle Of Epics 2,000,000
Baby Seal Slippers 1,933,000
Ancient Katana 1,534,800
KiKi Kitty Plushie 1,200,000
Santa's Giftbox 2K5 (8 of500,000
Cloud 470,000
Staff of the Angels 460,000
Grunny Shirt 245,000
Pro Team Jacket 199,000
Pro Team Jacket 199,000
Winter Rose 198,999
Biancamella 173,000
Elemental Hair 109,000
Anti Von Helson Picket Sign 100,000
Pixie 82,000
Spirited Boxers 81,000
Superior Form 69,000
Dark Star 65,000
Flame Sword 64,000
Easter Basket 2K6 (6 0f 6) 58,000
Easter Basket 2K6 (6 0f 6) 58,000
Mythic Hair 50,899
G Buckle 50,000
Big Ghost Sheet 50,000
Food Chain Green Striper-Bass-Guppy 50,000
Food Chain Silver Striper-Bass-Guppy 50,000
Gift of the Goddess 47,000
Jack's Grab Bag 2k6 (8 of45,000
Jack's Grab Bag 2k6 (8 of45,000
Jack's Grab Bag 2k6 (8 of45,000
Wonderland 40,000
Yokai's Treasure 38,000
Ghost Cape 37,000
Radiant Prism 34,500
Tin Hat 34,449
Mini UFO 33,000
Bunny Tail 32,200
Bunny Tail 32,200
Bunny Tail 32,200
Bunny Tail 32,200
Bunny Hat 32,000
Spirit Falcon 31,337
Supercharger Battery 29,999
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Chicky Hat 27,000
Samurai Yoroi 26,000
Raider Shih's Garment 25,500
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (8 of25,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (8 of25,000
Worthless Black Giftbox 24,000
Red Guppy Cap 23,000
V Pin (right half) 23,000
Digital SLR Camera 22,500
The Mole 22,000
Barton Water Festival Shirt 21,500
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (7 of20,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (7 of20,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (7 of20,000
Bani Mask 18,200
Rebellion Face Mask 18,000
omnomnom Hat 18,000
Kitty Slippers 17,800
Blue Sweetheart Teddy 17,499
Fox Tail 17,450
Easter Bunny Ears 16,700
Chickie Mask 15,999
Sharp Fish Teeth 15,500
Silk Bowtie 15,200
Green Bass Helm 15,000
2009 Gaia Anniversary Sash - 2005 Edition 13,500
Brown Bass Helm 13,000
Vampire's Blood Moon 13,000
White Pebbo Cap 12,900
Used Chainsaw 11,999
Vampire's Bat Swarm 11,900
Pink Seedkin Cap 11,000
Anti Gambino Picket Sign 11,000
Pink Seedkin Cap 11,000
Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat 10,800
Jack'd Skirt 2k6 10,300
Jack'd Skirt 2k6 10,300
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (4 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (4 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (4 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (4 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (5 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (5 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (6 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (4 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (5 of10,000
Xmas Giftbox 2K6 (6 of10,000
V Pin (left half) 10,000
Frozen Rainbow Helm 10,000
Spirited 2k6 Hat 10,000
Account #4: Autobuy: $1Account Worth: 3,022,844
Dark Halo 249,000
Let it Snow 231,000
Winter Rose 198,999
Demonic Anklets 188,998
Guitar of Demona 145,500
Elemental Hair 109,000
Thank You Letter For October 2007 98,999
Grunny 90,000
Pixie 82,000
Shadow Spirit 81,000
Thank You Letter for September 2009 78,000
Vampire Hunter Hat 75,999
Dark Star 65,000
Demonbow 60,000
Lunar Scythe 59,000
Gothic Veil 58,500
Gothic Veil 58,500
Summoning Tome 53,000
Thank You Letter For November 2007 51,002
Thank You Letter For November 2007 51,002
Thank You Letter For November 2007 51,002
Thank You Letter For November 2006 44,500
Thank You Letter For November 2006 44,500
Thank You Letter For November 2006 44,500
Thank You Letter For November 2006 44,500
Gift of the Gods 43,000
Gift of the Gods 43,000
Gwee the Dragon 43,000
Yokai's Treasure 38,000
Yokai's Treasure 38,000
Yokai's Treasure 38,000
Celestial Wrap 35,400
Mini UFO 33,000
Autumn Glory 32,000
MoMo the Monkey 30,320
Frostbite Blade 30,000
Damascus Armor 28,000
Damascus Armor 28,000
Damascus Armor 28,000
Snow Witch 22,000
Fire Flower 21,500
Purplemarine UpsideDown Top 19,500
Sword of Aegis 17,999
Fox Tail 17,450
Immaculate Bishop 16,500
Long-Stem Red Rose 11,000
Devoted Pawn 10,000
Account #5: Autobuy: $3Account Worth: 1,097,537
Staff of the Angels 460,000
Demonic Pitchfork 440,900
Elegant Blue Satin Corset 48,600
Fairy Wings 40,000
Purplemarine UpsideDown Top 19,500
Royale Purple Pimpin' Hat 15,555
Account #6: Autobuy: $3Account Worth: 2,608,874
KiKi Kitty Plushie 1,200,000
CoCo Kitty Plushie 458,000
Biancamella 6th Gen 173,000
Jacked Belt 99,999
Fired Up Orange Jersey 69,750
Fired Up Orange Jersey 69,750
Fired Up Orange Jersey 69,750
Aquatica 53,000
Grace of Aphrodite 36,750
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin') 32,999
Spirit Falcon 31,337
Fausto's Bottle 2nd gen. 30,000
Supercharger Battery 29,999
Spirited Socks 29,900
House Bunny Outfit 23,000
Angel Imp Plushie 21,400
Purplemarine UpsideDown Top 19,500
Blue Sweetheart Teddy 17,499
Caribbean Jade Slinky Split Dress 16,900
2009 Gaia Anniversary Sash - 2005 Edition 13,500
If you don't like the prices just post the account you want and a reasonable price. And I'll see if we can work something out.Account Worth: 2,406,593
Chyaku Norisu Scarf 639,800
Gimpi 212,000
Lunar Cowl 100,000
Thank You Letter For October 2007 98,999
Whip of Fire 86,000
P. Nutt McCracken 70,000
Whip of Ice 69,999
Dark Star 65,000
Prism Butterfly Mantilla 59,000
Solar Cloak 50,000
Gift of the Goddess 47,000
Jack's Grab Bag 2k6 (8 of45,000
Fairy Wings 40,000
Celestial Wrap 35,400
ORLY? Hat 34,000
Phoenix Circlet 34,000
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin') 32,999
Bunny Tail 32,200
MoMo the Monkey 30,320
Supercharger Battery 29,999
Cowhide Santa Hat 29,000
Card Shark Bands 27,300
Heartstring 24,000
Heartstring 24,000
Worthless Black Giftbox 24,000
Worthless Black Giftbox 24,000
Aquamarine UpsideDown Top 19,500
Parisian Red Fan 19,500
Fox Tail 17,450
Music Note Mood Bubble 16,000
Broken Heart Mood Bubble 14,000
Loving Heart Mood Bubble 13,900
October Birthstone Crown 13,900
Nitemare Bustier 11,599
Long-Stem Red Rose 11,000
Satin Hairbow 10,000
Spirited 2k6 Hat 10,000
If you have any questions feel free to add my msn at:
Results 1 to 4 of 4
Thread: Mustafa716 Gaia Shop
- 20 Aug. 2011 12:28am #1
Mustafa716 Gaia Shop
Last edited by mustafa716; 24 Aug. 2011 at 03:06am.
- 20 Aug. 2011 09:50pm #2
Bump! Bump! Bummmpy
- 21 Aug. 2011 01:23am #3
Do these accounts have your IP on them?
- 07 Oct. 2011 01:31am #4
Accounts 3-6 for $10?