5USD per mil. PM me.
It's legit, I would also prefer a middleman, if you can find one, that be great.
Also, I only accept payment through Paypal. USD only.
Yeah half-assed thread. I wanna sell ASAP, I kinda need the money and Gaia annoys me.
Results 1 to 13 of 13
Thread: Selling 13,000,000g
- 08 Dec. 2009 08:50pm #1
Selling 13,000,000g
- 08 Dec. 2009 09:44pm #2
Ok, you need to post legit/illegit
And you should consider taking LG
- 08 Dec. 2009 09:47pm #3
I would consider buying from you if its legit and you should be takeing lg just like eli said but you should always post if its illigit or legit its better for everybody
- 08 Dec. 2009 09:50pm #4
I did post it *points at the first tw
rds of the second line* It's legit.
And I have no use for LG gold, I just want USD.
- 08 Dec. 2009 09:52pm #5
- 08 Dec. 2009 09:53pm #6
If I edited it, it would have said so at the bottom of my post
You obviously can't read.
- 08 Dec. 2009 10:02pm #7
- 08 Dec. 2009 10:07pm #8
Shojo; Would you like me to PM various screen shots I took for another LG member, they show me buying/selling in the MP, threads I've made proving I'm an ex-exchanger - There's some trade screenies too. I will be trading from my main too.
And thanks. You can be MM <3
- 09 Dec. 2009 11:13pm #9
*kicks thread on first page*
Still selling x
- 09 Dec. 2009 11:55pm #10To learn how to avoid getting banned while using an FLP click here.
Additionally, I am available for middleman services. If you don't trust me thats fine, don't use me.
- 10 Dec. 2009 12:26am #11
Yeh someone said something about him >.< It's nice people are pointing stuff like this out, so thanks
- 10 Dec. 2009 12:36am #12
Also, if you are selling legit...you have to use the form that Boobearsh provided, kthanks.
- 10 Dec. 2009 12:46am #13
I saw that, but `lowest bid` acceptable?
My price is fixed. USD only.
I can provide screen caps of proof I am not a scammer or anything illegit.
And I've just sold 10mil, 3mil left x