Thread closed until further notice. ~ ZZZ
State what you need, and I will get it by the next day.
Offer expires in the fall.
03's provided. free 3M when you purchase more than 10M.
Stock - 497,746,983
Price - hagglable - I made that up.
Middleman is optional, depends if you trust me.
Results 1 to 29 of 29
- 24 Jul. 2010 05:26am #1
Summer sale - 25% OFF EVERYTHING.
Last edited by ZZZ Games™; 28 Jul. 2010 at 02:59am.
- 25 Jul. 2010 02:44am #2
how much would I have to pay for a nitemare scarf, OMG, angelic scarf, and just some good 2004 items
My goals
50 post
100 post
250 post
500 post
800 post
1000 post
- 25 Jul. 2010 10:32pm #3
will you accept Nexon cash card D: ?
- 25 Jul. 2010 10:36pm #4
how much for 10m ??
- 26 Jul. 2010 12:30am #5
@ Halogod, my estimate would be around 100 USD. I can haggle with that, just because you're trusted.
@ Teh God, I will. I accept Nexon, gPotato, Gaia cash cards (depending on if its over 50$) and runescape pins.
@ Darkminionking1, it would be around 15 USD.Last edited by ZZZ Games™; 26 Jul. 2010 at 12:39am.
- 26 Jul. 2010 02:45am #6
Ok well let me think things through, how much would I need to get for like gaia cash cards or something like that?
Shoot me a pm so we can talk more.
My goals
50 post
100 post
250 post
500 post
800 post
1000 post
- 26 Jul. 2010 02:56am #7
ill take 10 mill on mule account pm me your paypal and the mule account with the 10mill kk
Last edited by █╖™‘Jay‘™╖█; 26 Jul. 2010 at 03:48am.
- 26 Jul. 2010 03:04am #8
how much for 400m
- 26 Jul. 2010 05:10am #9
My MSN is, just add.
- 26 Jul. 2010 07:04pm #10
Price for 100m?
- 26 Jul. 2010 07:09pm #11
i have 10,000 nexon cash
are you still gonna buy my paypal
- 26 Jul. 2010 10:46pm #12
@Elirocks 100M would be about $65-75
@teh god I just PM'd you.
- 27 Jul. 2010 02:07am #13
Update - Sold 200M, price has gone down and my current funds are now down.
- 27 Jul. 2010 10:05pm #14
10k nexon cash
- 27 Jul. 2010 11:43pm #15
@teh god... Read your PMs every once in awhile and add me on MSN.
- 28 Jul. 2010 12:10am #16
wow realy man did u realy just scam me ??man realy give me the 33 mill
Last edited by darkminionking1; 28 Jul. 2010 at 12:13am.
- 28 Jul. 2010 01:55am #17
How did he scam you?
Last edited by Google; 28 Jul. 2010 at 02:04am.
- 28 Jul. 2010 02:17am #18
took my AQ and DF account he gave me a account and i got on then gave him my accounts then bamm it kicked me off account and sed passs changed so he owe's me 33 mill or my account's back
- 28 Jul. 2010 02:20am #19
Waiting for ZZZ to reply.
Btw: Darkminionking why aren't you using your other LG account?
- 28 Jul. 2010 02:21am #20
what ya mean ??
- 28 Jul. 2010 11:24am #21
I in no way-shape or form scammed you. You obviously fell victim to an impersonator, or you're just stupid. People can vouch for me.
- 28 Jul. 2010 12:06pm #22
- 28 Jul. 2010 10:28pm #23
looks like i have back up i had no prof but this helps my case thx mock1120
- 29 Jul. 2010 08:20am #24
- 29 Jul. 2010 01:42pm #25
If i were to buy a gift card (of your choice)
for 50$ how much gold could i get?yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 29 Jul. 2010 02:47pm #26
These people are starting to piss me off. For 50 bucks... Hmm. Either 53M or an item that matches the price.
- 29 Jul. 2010 06:20pm #27
- 30 Jul. 2010 01:19am #28
Is this still up for sale??
- 30 Jul. 2010 05:22am #29