Results 1 to 20 of 20
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:21pm #1
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:28pm #2
700k GG? and my LG?
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:32pm #3
i'll start at 50k lg
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:36pm #4
55k LGG .
+Rep if I helped
My FMP Shop
PM me about the FLPs or FLWs
I don't check store often
Also selling Gaia Accounts for USD via Paypal
Send me a PM for more info
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:38pm #5
75k LG .
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:38pm #6
ind4nextpostShh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:42pm #7
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:44pm #8
I need a new main, the ID is good enough for me.
Also u may pm the username if u want.
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:44pm #9
Sweet, and I just want a Rare name
5$Shh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:45pm #10
Im out. .
Last edited by Google; 18 Apr. 2010 at 06:48pm.
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:45pm #11
King do you have to do this to me brother?
6$Shh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:48pm #12
I withdraw my offer.
Shh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:52pm #13
wait so 4.25 is the highest offer?
- 18 Apr. 2010 06:55pm #14
- 18 Apr. 2010 07:02pm #15
Well then I'll give you 150k LG for it?
- 18 Apr. 2010 07:03pm #16
- 18 Apr. 2010 07:05pm #17
175k If you let me have it right now? If no then my bid is still at 150k
- 18 Apr. 2010 07:12pm #18
- 18 Apr. 2010 07:17pm #19
When your selling it on LG looking at bids why sell it to some1 on MSN?
- 18 Apr. 2010 07:23pm #20