Results 41 to 68 of 68
Thread: Quick trial wow question
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:00am #4150 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:05am #42
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:05am #4350 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:06am #44
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:07am #45
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:07am #4650 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:08am #4750 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:09am #48
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:10am #4950 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:13am #50
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:14am #5150 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:17am #52
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:18am #5350 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:21am #54
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:22am #55
wtf happened to this thread?
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:22am #5650 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:23am #5750 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:24am #58
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:25am #59
War. Fucking. Craft. Fucking. Three. Don't make me beetch slap ju.
50 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:26am #60
I have a non-torrent DL BTW, if you want it
50 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:31am #61
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:32am #62
PMing you the link
50 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:33am #63
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:34am #64
Sent. I should go to bed guy. Nighty night
50 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:35am #65
goodnight P:
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:36am #66
Like 50 pages were deleted off of this thread? Win
50 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 05 Jan. 2010 07:40am #67
Not sure if you are going to buy it from Confide, but if you do make sure you get all the info
That would mainly be the SQA (Secret Question Answer) and a photo ID scan of the OO (assuming it is Confide, in this case). These are what is commonplace in the WoW buying/selling scene anyway. To hinder recalls. Though, I have no clue if that would even be needed in this case
The second thing might be going overboard depending on you two guys relationship. Just be safe o3o.
If you ever are in the market to buy some more upscale accounts or even some services is a good place to go, just be safe >.< lots of scammers there, but they have a good reputation system and stuff, so it's easy to find well trusted members. Just be smart.
Oh and you said the account wasn't Bnet merged? I haven't been in the selling business for a while, but from what I hear those are a bit more desired now due to the forced merge.
Oh and I have played WoW for a long long time :x longer than I want to 5 years off and on..mostly on. I started playing again due to my sister
Sorry to ramble XD
Either way, WoW is great. I would soo roll with you, but I doubt I would be able to commit T_T
What happend to all the posts? o3o
- 05 Jan. 2010 10:31am #68
Ive sold game time on Markeedragon recently. Was pretty quick and smooth, but I wouldn't recommend Buying/Selling accounts as it's really too much of a hassle and you end up getting screwed in the long run. You can be assured I wont touch the account if you purchase it. Don't play the game anymore. And that's dog :/