Want to carry a friend to gold, so the account would also get gold.
It honestly shouldn't get bannedI don't think?
Or you could just give one to me for free because you lovem e ;D
Results 1 to 4 of 4
- 05 Sep. 2013 12:04am #1
Who has a spare EU West LoL Account and wants gold?
- 05 Sep. 2013 01:39am #2
- 05 Sep. 2013 01:48am #3
I have one but its level 1 so you wouldnt want that
- 05 Sep. 2013 03:12am #4
Most of it is lost in some dark pit somewhere
;_; yeah, I unfortunately dont particularly have time to level a new account myself, so Im trying to think of alternatives to not wasting 50$ transferring my account around to help them out.
Thanks for le offer though!