I'll be gone all tomorrow/a lot of tonight to deal with the flood crap. They've spent all weekend cleaning up the water damage and fixing the water heater, but the carpet people won't be back to pick up the fans until Monday, so I'll have to be there for that, and help them with fixing the carpets which are coming up from the edges.
Then I have to clean all the dirt left in the tub/floor by the water. I don't know if you've ever seen flood water, but imagine every bit of dust and dirt in every crevice of your house, behind and under your refrigerator and bed and literally every piece of dust, whether you see it or not, and then imagine that all being evenly distributed everywhere on your floor.

That's about what my apartment looks like right now. They fixed the water heater, but I'll probably be the one who has to clean that shit up. Not looking forward to this shit.

So letting you know.

Mods are going to enforce the rules 9 billion %. So be on your best behavior plx while I'm not here.

I think Arti is lurking too though, so there shouldn't be too much of an issue.

So I'll try to get in a bit of activity this morning before I head back to my apartment and start the 5ever 48 hour cleaning process today. I'll probably implement a few new backend staff plugins so that the mods can handle the stuff I normally do temporarily.