Well, I realize that I've not done anything of what I said I'd do. But fact is I've not been able to. I have to raise my grades at school or I shall be kicked out. So in essence, here's a F.A.Q. I dunno, it helps.

Q:Why have you been absent all this time?
Aontrary to popular belief, I do not have swine. But rather, I've been having a lot of personal troubles (keeping grades up, etc...).

Q:When do you expect to be fully back?
A:Well, my last semestral exam is on Friday, December 17th. But I'll try my best to come back right after that.

Q:What's in store when you come back? We need something special.
A:Warez. Like you have no idea. Custom programs (Collabs with Chris and Matt) for Warez. And a whole section like you've never seen before. Not to mention, work on a new, kick-ass skin.

Q:What are you failing?
A:AP Advanced Algebra Honors, and Biology. (Yeah, I suck).

Q:Are you only bringing Warez?
A:Hell no. Over my break I plan to begin work on a massive amount of Graphics Tutorials as well as other types of tutorials, and perhaps even work on a few programs with people.

Q:Will more mods be added to the team?
Aost Definitely. But give it time, we still have to choose. There will be no applying process.

Q:What's up with contests?
A:Well... There will be some official contests. However, contests can only become "official" if they are under rule of LG Staff. However, contests by other members may be endorsed.