I don't know but i wanna make a Flw store but then again Src has been released and what not but i have a thing so its harder to get to text page, some people could get in if they were smartand i want your Opinion Lg, Should i?
Poll Results: Should i?
Does a wood chuck, chuck wood(yes)
0 0% -
I will pm you for a test (maybe)
0 0% -
Keep dreaming sunshine (No)
2 100.00%
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2 Votes
Results 1 to 4 of 4
Thread: :/ Should i
- 20 Nov. 2010 06:13pm #1
- 20 Nov. 2010 08:40pm #2
- 20 Nov. 2010 08:50pm #3
Well some people will be lazy to find the source and set it up.. but again, FLW is freaking old.. xD
So its up to you?
- 20 Nov. 2010 08:56pm #4