The Seftrex
That one Maplestory mod
SN Art
Keep the names coming.
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Thread: Names
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:13pm #1
Last edited by Defy; 26 Sep. 2010 at 10:23pm.
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:28pm #2
Disco is neat.
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:35pm #3
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I think the Maple mod was called Rikimarusa, or something like that...
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:37pm #4
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Also, Bottelz, Tatsuo...
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:37pm #5
How about the other smod on LG?
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:49pm #6
- 26 Sep. 2010 10:56pm #7
Defy 2.0
Defy 3.0
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Defy 31.0
Defy 32.0
Defy 33.0
- 26 Sep. 2010 11:16pm #8
killeb .
- 26 Sep. 2010 11:21pm #9
i said Master
- 26 Sep. 2010 11:23pm #10
I vote for iSky3. D<
- 26 Sep. 2010 11:25pm #11
Gangsta Omlett
yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 27 Sep. 2010 12:04am #12
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Yay I have my name on a list! Hopefully this isn't a hit list.
Anyways: Raivu
All hail kitty pig.
- 27 Sep. 2010 12:21am #13
Proud Member of LG.
Visit for my Gaia Gold Services.
- 27 Sep. 2010 12:44am #14
- 27 Sep. 2010 01:26am #15
for a Custom User Title
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Why am I up there? e.0
I listen for the whisper of your sweet insanity.
While I formulate denial of your effect on me.
- 27 Sep. 2010 02:44am #16
Error: Title Not Found
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You spelled my name wrong. That makes me want to change it.
- 27 Sep. 2010 02:54am #17
I'm sad. Severed isn't up der.
- 27 Sep. 2010 04:27am #18
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a i d, i hate the world for lyfe, I love rainbowness, Iadaenei, iFallenAngel, iGetMoney, iGoogle For You, ihatehaxor, ikbenwessel, iMortal_, imtehsex, imthebest, inuzuma, ipkersi, Irhavink, irish4pimp, jackdaddy1, JackEdw, jackykoh, jamescee1, jannakim, jasmyn1001, JaySushi, jayzah, jesuschrist, Jetman, jewber, jimmy legand, Jim_death, jnikz, johnishere, JohnnyBoy232, josiasdia, JSReaper212, justinnata, kalimali12, kapuk99, Kashmir, katie011, kawaii159, keikei, KenKenHadou, KennyColvin, khayden, kilomo, kirangelo, kiroga, KJ, kratzerkln, Kuiren, Kyijui, kylagrand0, kyoukex, Lavinia, lazypando, Legend, lemzkies18, Leon, leztherr, Light ♥, Lil G-Man, lilgothy, liljason019, lilkawi, limahelu, lindsey11!, linkinant, listen to the wise, livianusmarius, Lizzycello, lll SHANE lll, lmno078, lollaby, longlongpaul, lotsoff, Lowl!f3, low_blow, LuckyDuck, Lucy, LxxRyusaki, lyfe, Mango, mare77, master panda, masterexe, MasterX927, master_of_gaia, matamayo1997, matamune45, Maulkin, MechQuest777, Meeki, Melissa-Roe, Meredyluver, Mesaskin, metyler, mext, mik133, mikefas, mikoorulez2, MilkWithIce, Minny, Mintyheart, Miserable Sorrow, Miss Scooter, Mitsuru, modesteternity, Moi Dix Mois Neko, monkeydwalid, Moquerie, MortalisSoulis, Mr.Zim, mudkipzFTW, MustLoveClown, mxf, mynameisjames, N30-B4k4, Namaste, narutouzumaki, Necrose, Netsky56, NIKKEH, ninja beast zan, ninja_sak, niwashock, noblemin, nolee, Nolli, noob, NSSVelocity, numabrandon, NvSxPimp503, OiUK, Omega, openangel103, Orochimaru, OskeinO, osmen, ownafier94, p.a.n.i.c (not porn), pandavalintino, pandavid333, parkinson66, partygrlxoxo, Pastry, patch93, paula_blue_03, PawChan, pet_er1, piepiepie20two, pikasecks, Pinky_kurumi, Pinoy2k8, Pixxels, platinum13, Plobby, Poiuytrewqlo, pooch242005, Popeyesthesailor, pothead, principalpearce, Punkykido91, PWNOCCHIO!, pyrofire, Queen of hearts, ragnorawkin, rajkubarsingh, RaMpagE, ranman, rawkist, rbr8299, reaar1, rebel1996, recto, redxdeath, RegalCheese, rendex, retardman, Reyzono, Riddle, Rider2, RikimaruSA, RikimaruSA., RobbyTheReaper, rock2213, Rockachick19, rolt22, roygohn, rucsys, s!lent~orchestra, Sımone, samraj, Samskwatch, schlorf, Seftrex, seighton, Sendra, senseywarmer, sexymeh1582, SgtSlayer, ShadowsRandom, Shalem, Shane, Shellz, simo_zhivkov, sinbad, sinnerx923, sirus, sk8erdude27, skate_chick_23, skycloud, Skyline778, SmexyBish, Smooli, SN art, Snowurm, SoDangSmart, SOnicHerO100, spaoww, Spaztastic_Rainbow, sphinx623, srubio210, stan131, StephenUchiha, Stormie, strawberriee4, Strider, sunnylil123, Superash, Suske, TaeKwonDo Marcus, takun101, tarsonis01, Tatsuo, taylor123123, tazs_10, tbosurfer, Tearluver, tehbigbang, test, thamanz, thblz, The best hacker, The Enforcer, THE GOD, The Internet Bear, The Skipper, the-ward, thedarkangel, thedarkme7, thedude257, The_one_and_only, Tomslucky7, Torian, traehnekorb, Trance, Trask3000, trewballer, tristan124, Tsuna, twiggy12312, Tyler777, Tyler_Duh_Bomb, Unglaubig, UserUnknown, VampiressGothica, Vaughan_Sniper, viper221, Vision, Vrnaruto, weird_guy_3000, whywhywhy, Willyâ„¢, winmax, WithinHeart, wulfe87, Xaiden, xenon85, xenonxen18, xinaro, xIsabellx, XxluckyxX, xXsk8erpunk17Xx, xxvampxxchldxx, xXx22, Xx_Blind_M_xX, YaoixHentai, yawa, yl19850329, YokoPanda, yoy0o, yuk4ri-cHan, ZenGenesisX, Zeori, zeromafia, Zeth, zhidille18, zixx450, ZLordTookiemanZ, Znkan, zsq95588, [ E R I K ], [[Mrs.Jonas]]~Syd, `Marina, ~Shin Natsume~, ~Souleater~
- 27 Sep. 2010 05:36am #19
- 27 Sep. 2010 04:47pm #20
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Hit list? This might end funny and sad.
Voted Hottest Male Member
Crowned King of Logical Gamers
10 Years of Logical Service.
- 27 Sep. 2010 06:16pm #21
What is this exactly?...
LG's resident grammar nazi.
Need warez? I can probably find it for you. Throw me a PM.
For all of my sales, if you refer a buyer to me and they make a purchase, you can recieve 5%
- 27 Sep. 2010 07:14pm #22
A list of old username.
- 27 Sep. 2010 07:19pm #23
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- 27 Sep. 2010 08:43pm #24
You guys suck.
Check visualization.
Disco is neat.
- 27 Sep. 2010 10:44pm #25
Zack .
- 27 Sep. 2010 11:08pm #26
Bob. <---- is coool