I like downloading shit tons of music, and never un-raring it.
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Thread: I have a problem.
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:19am #1
I have a problem.
Disco is neat.
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:26am #2
Torrent (Vuze Client iTunes Sync
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:32am #3
>Implying the shit I listen to ever gets torrented
>Implying I would let iTunes touch my computer
Disco is neat.
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:34am #4
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:36am #5
I can never find torrents of my favorite stuff.
Disco is neat.
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:40am #6
What kind of music do you listen to? List the artist.
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:42am #7
Foot Ox, Teebs, Food for animals, Giraffes? Giraffes!, Code 3, Aardvarck, etc.
Disco is neat.
- 16 Sep. 2010 12:57am #8
Oh, Don't know any of them >>
- 16 Sep. 2010 01:01am #9
- 16 Sep. 2010 01:05am #10
>implying I'd remember I downloaded it any better that way
>Implying most of it is even on youtube
Disco is neat.
- 16 Sep. 2010 01:11am #11