Here ya go Souleater
Much easier to read don't ya think?... Not that hard to do.
Code:_Natural_ [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] ::Jack:: [Referral abuse/multiple accounts.] :[Jaaaaayr]: [Multiple accounts.] ???? [Please only use letters and numbers.] .C GFX [No-one ever liked you and you look like a troll, not a forum troll, one that lives under the bridge.] .CMS [Previously banned member.] .l.-_-.l. [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] +n+¤_ ¤+n+ [PBM] ¼noob¾pro [Multiple accounts. We dont allow that here.] 1g0tb4|\|\|\3d [PBM. It's only two days.] 2more2go [Abusing referral system.] 32462398 [Abusing referral system.] 3rde3dw [Multiple accounts.] 4ef4efe4f 4ef4efe4f1 [Multiple accounts.] 4znlyfe [Spammed Advertisements] 987654321 [N/A] aassdfg [Spam] abc123 [N/A] Abstract [Multiple accounts/scamming] account_seller [Derp] ACDC [GFTO] Ace of Spades [Abusing referral system.] acistityday [Spam bot.] Administrator [Spamming/Referring self/Giving self iTrader rep.] admyn9 [Multiple accounts.] AKRocker [Previously banned member.] Amazing_Donation Google amg1 [N/A] amg10 [N/A] amg11 [N/A] amg12 [N/A] amg13 [N/A] amg14 [N/A] amg15 [N/A] amg16 [N/A] amg17 [N/A] amg18 [N/A] amg19 [N/A] amg2 [N/A] amg3 [N/A] amg4 [N/A] amg5 [N/A] amg6 [N/A] amg7 [N/A] amg8 [N/A] amg9 [N/A] Anon/b/Anon [Multiple accounts] apex [Abusing referral system.] Arogo [Gtfo] ashanti [Multiple Accounts] Asydix [Proxies dont work Bman, if you want to talk, add me on] Avatar [Previously banned member.] ayoo enzo [Multiple Accounts (MAIN)/Abusing ICash System] azmazm [Posting FLW, Multiple accounts.] Azurle [multiple accounts] b.i.c [Abusing referral system.] bby2 beadro [Abusing referral system.] because gaming [Abusing referral system.] BestXXXTube [Spammed Advertisements] Beyoncé [POWA ABOOS] Big [N/A] BIG BALLS [N/A] BIG HEAD [N/A] BIG NICK [N/A] BIG NUTS [N/A] Billy Mays [Previously banned user.] billyhoward [Previously banned user.] Bitch [Previously banned member.] bla bl [Abusing referral system.] Black [Multiple Accounts/Previous Banned User] Black_cat [Multiple Accounts] Blaek [Multiple accounts.] Blalayinfessy [Spammed Advertisements] Blind-for-Love [Multiple Accounts] Blueprint [Multiple Accounts] bob [Multiple accounts.] bob4 [Multiple accounts.] BobDule2 [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] Boogey [Gtfo] Borto [But you arent explainin why you be trollan] bosco [Scamming] Bouncy [N/A] Brandon [Previously banned member.] BreakDown [scamming again? Dont come back, if you want to discuss this ban email:] Breath [Abusing referral system.] Brock [Last warning before LG strikes back.] Bryan [Multiple Accounts] Bully [Multiple accounts. GTFO] Burger_ [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] California Calixer [You have woken the bear.] CannonBawlz [Multiple accounts.] cash mule [Multiple Accounts are NOT allowed.] Cataclysm [My spidy sense is tingling.] Cherries [Multiple accounts[MAIN]] Chief [Multiple Accounts] Chowder [Multiple Account] CinsCillAmeld [Spammed Advertisements] Client [N/A] Conon [LG is not your personal profitting grounds through scamming other members. GB2/GG.] Creative [N/A] Cris1 [Multiple accounts.] curryishott [You created yet another account. Stop now or you'll receive an IP ban.] DaDegrous [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] dafy [Referral abuse, previously banned member apex.] Dark88 [N/A] deathGG [Extra accounts on LG are NOT allowed.] Defy [Constant and Excessive breaking of all rules.] Defy11.0 [Multiple accounts.] Defy12.0 [Multiple Accounts] Defy13.0 [No more accounts dude, its just spam :(] Defy2.0 [Ban evasion.] Defy3.0 [POWA ABOOS] Defy4.0 [Multiple accounts/ epic failness] Defy5.0 [Multiple accounts] Defy8.0 [N/A] Defy9.0 [N/A] Demonkoto [Constant spamming] deominic [Multiple Accounts] Dick2 [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] Dillon dinokarD [Dot] diupletit [Spam bot.] Dizzyazn [Fail attempt at scamming.] Domo™ [Claiming shit as his own.] Dsired45 [Previously banned user.] Dylan [We dont take threats to LG lightly.] eat my puss bitch [Abusing referral system.] eawe [N/A] efewaess [N/A] eiwjaaayr [Lolno.] Elite [Multiple accounts] embesyQuisame [Spamming Advertisements] EndOfIt [Multiple Accounts] enter [Mulitple accounts/attempting to scam] Epic [Scamming/Multiple Account(s)] ErinPonies [Multiple Account/Current Temp Banned User] Escape The Fate [Multiple Accounts are NOT allowed.] eXclusive [Multiple accounts] Fair_Deal [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Fancy [N/A] fart fatboy [Abusing referral system.] fear_bot [Multiple Accounts] Fireflies [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] FlievealmCoam [spambot] Floppy Disk [Abusing referral system.] foop [GTFO with your scams and your multi accounts. I read yours and IAmWilliam's PM's. Please leave the site. Scammers aren't welcome here.] Forma22 [PBU] FotherMucker [Multiple Account] Foxy_5 [Multiple Accounts] fr3sh [Scamming like a bitch] freelggold [Abusing referral system.] fresh_meat [Multiple Accounts] FrozenThrone [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] fuck u all [N/A] G3t_S3rv3ed [Multiple Accounts] GaiaHQ [Scamming] GaiaMod47 [lol troll] GaiaOnIine [multiple accounts] Gaiaonline Stock [Previously Banned User] GAMEchief [Racism/exploiting/endless list of other things.] Garena [Multiple accounts] Glywomaarrorp [Spam] GONE [Multiple Accounts are NOT allowed.] Google_lied... [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Granddad [Multiple Accounts] gtgerg [N/A] GuruMaster [Spammed Advertisements] HackAttack [Scamming] hackeru [Abusing referral system.] Hades [Previously banned member.] hahahaksl [Referal abuse.] hahane [I'm sorry, we can't entertain your constant spam.] HaloRen [Perivous Banned Memember] Haters [N/A] haxory [Multiple accounts] haxory' [Multiple accounts] heffer [Abusing referral system.] hehe [Bye bye] hep? [N/A] hey2 [Multiple accounts.] Hiban_Hiban [Multiple Accounts] Hiban_pizza [Multi Accounts] hickey [Abusing referral system.] Hidden [Scammed Shojo, gtfo.] hiimawesome [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] hobo19 [Abusing referral system.] HockSteeveSox [Spam bot] Honey_bear [Multiple accounts] House_Bunny [Multiple Accounts] hsdfhbsgf [Multiple Accounts] huhuhujijiji [N/A] i hate kris [Previously banned member.] I'm So Crazy! [You know we dont allow multiple accounts.] Ichigo [I'm sorry, we can't entertain your constant spam.] ihacker [Abusing referral system.] iiLocok [N/A] iiRape [PBM] iisupercute iiTone [Multiple accounts.] Ikeel3 [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] ILeki [Ripping] im a user i know [Abusing referral system.] iMazi [Multiple accounts.] Immerdole [Spammed Advertisements] ImrDCMCG [Multiple accounts] InLogical [Scamming] insortigo [Spam] iojngvr [N/A] iSnipa [iBanned] ispy [Previously banned member.] its Jovi [Abusing referral system.] iUke [Multiple Accounts] IwanView [Previously Banned User] Izzy [90% of your posts outside of buying shit are spam yet again. You can remake an account but this time post without so much spam.] Izzy Got Banned [N/A] Jamie [N/A] Jaymac [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] Jdawg [Derp] Jeff1 [Multiple Accounts] Jelly Belly [Abusing referral system.] Jimmy222 Jimmy8 [N/A] jingerjonger [Multiple accounts.] Jogirad [Multiple Accounts] John [Multiple Account] JohnnyBoi [Multiple accounts/Abusing ICash system] jtyjnv [N/A] Junior.Jr [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Justin Bieber [multiple accounts] Kaien Shiba [Scamming/multiple accounts.] Kain [POWA ABOOS] kaka00 [Multiple accounts.] kalokohannns [N/A] Kat [Scamming] kay6 [Multiple accounts.] kdslkjd [Abusing referral system.] Ke$ha [N/A] [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] KidRobot [Multiple Accounts] kidstand [hurpdurp] killer [Multiple accounts.] killerbee2 [Extra accounts on LG are NOT allowed.] kim [Referral abuse, previously banned member apex.] King Bees [Abusing referral system.] king2010 [Multiple accounts.] KirienskyGMniy [Multiple Accounts] kissmyfagot [Multiple accounts.] Kitty [Multiple Accounts] Knights Jester [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Knowno [Spamming even after being warned.] Kofi [Multiple Accounts] kreator [Multiple accounts.] kris2 [Multiple accounts.] Lσѕʇ ɴ’ Fσυɴd [Multiple accounts/scamming] L33T [Multiple accounts.-Original account: NOCHALLENGE] l3dii098 [Multiple Accounts] l3oing [Scamming/multiple accounts/referral abuse.] l3ouncy [Because Chad said so (:] L4M3 [N/A] La Vie Cruelle [fff] Laex [Abusing cash system.] lasandra the mom [Multiple Account] Lasejerne [Spammed Advertisements] laural [Multiple Accounts] lava_paradise [Multi Account] Leak [Stealing Programs] leki [Scamming/pretending to be Google.] lengthug [N/A] libby9 Light [Scamming] lite00 Live_earth [Multiple Accounts] Llpp [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] LMFAO [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] lnebriated [N/A] Lochecillssa Lochie [Abusing referral system.] Logic [N/A] LogicalMakers [Multiple accounts.] LoLL [N/A] lucas [Abusing referral system.] Lucille [Scamming] lulz8 [Multiple accounts.] Mad_Cow [N/A] Magical_powers [Multiple accounts. GTFO] magweak29 mandi [Multiple Accounts] Marcus [N/A] MarikRolik82 [spambot] MartinLG [Derp] Matt [Multiple Accounts] Matter [Abusing referral system.] Maxpoop [N/A] MechaTrickster [Multiple Accounts] Meeki [N/A] menlohahay [Multiple accounts.] Meow_Mix9878 [Multiple Accounts] Mimi K [Abusing referral system.] Mini [Multi Account/Scamming] MOHinaTORs [Multiple Accounts] momzi5 [Multiple accounts.] MoNkE [PBM] monkey [Unfairly gaining LG gold.] Moose [Multiple accounts.] Mr Blue [Scamming/etc] Mr. [Abusing referral system.] Mr.Gaiaonline [Abusing referral system.] mumutest [N/A] Mysty [Multiple Accounts] Mz.Lopez [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] N0 CHALLENGE [N/A] Namine [Previously Banned User] nana7 [previously banned user.] ncie0 [Multiple accounts.] neka [Referal abuse.] Neøn [derp derp] network [SPam] New4you [Abusing referral system.] Nine_Inch_Nails [Multiple Accounts] ninja_boy [Multiple accounts. We dont allow that here.] nognog [N/A] NokiaErdos [Spammed Advertisements] Nolli [Multiple Accounts] noobbreaker [N/A] nou7 [Multiple accounts.] ObamaShez [Multiple accounts.] obease [Multiple Accounts] Obey™ [Multiple accounts.] Occusback [Multiple Accounts] OldZxeenon [Multiple Accounts are NOT allowed.] olsonraymond [Spammed Advertisements] omom1 [Multiple accounts.] open eyes [N/A] organicthunder [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Orlando [Multiple accounts] overnoob [Multiple Accounts] pacotacos PedoBear™ [N/A] Penis [Hacking members I care for more than you.] phaddeclabels [Spammed Advertisements] Pickle [Multiple accounts.] PinkShark [Multiple accounts.] pinpointcashew [Multiple accounts.] Pirate [N/A] Pirate_101 [Multiple Account. You cant beat the system. Gtfo] Pizza_Pizza [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] POCKY [Abusing referral system.] pokemon [Multiple accounts.] pokemon1 [Multiple accounts.] polop598 [Scamming] POLP [Abusing referral system.] pr0n [N/A] preapRota [spammed] Prince_Persia [Scamming] PriniPegemuri [I'm sorry, we can't entertain your constant spam.] Pro Professional_Hacker [Multiple Accounts] Progressive1919 [Multiple Accounts] Pwned101 [N/A] qawq [N/A] rabownz [Multiple accounts.] rage against the machine [Obvious] Rape [Uploading Virus on LG. Your last life is used up. Please DONT insert any more coins to continue.] reaper [Abusing referral system.] Reed It [Abusing referral system.] robertoalinexs [Spammed Advertisements] Ronald [N/A] rs5 [hurpdurp] Rude_Boy [N/A] RunescapeMaster [Scamming] sεx [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] sahlen369 [N/A] SailorChibiChibi29 [lolno] sanez [Multiple accounts.] Sasuke [Scamming] Save The Scars [Unbanned gun, we dont give second chances to LG Gold abusers normally, consider yourself lucky.] Seductive [Scamming] SeibiaMaf [Spammed Advertisements] Sexc [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Shade [Scamming.] Shawn [Multiple Accounts] ShikiTohno [Referral abuse/multiple accounts.] Shin-Woo Hyung [Scamming/multiple accounts.] Shioi [Scamming] Shitpickle [Multiple accounts/abusing gold system.] Shojo [Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww] SiIence [Banned Upon Request] Silence [Multiple Accounts] Silly Rabbit [Multiple Accounts] SIXX Skanky [Previously banned member.] SkittleZ [Abusing referral system.] skyler_shadows [Scamming] sleeper [Abusing referral system.] Snooki [Scamming] sox0 [Multiple accounts.] Spam [Multiple accounts/scamming] SpamMyNuts [Multiple accounts.] Spasm [Multiple accounts. Your Hellsome account has your LGG.] Spencer [Multiple Accounts] spiderwoman [Multi Accounts] Spooner [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] Spukii [Scamming] Stay [Scamming] StephenIA [Spammed Advertisements] stewie123 [Multiple Accounts] Stormie [Abusing referral system.] Strawberries [Multiple accounts] Suck [Spamming] sunnyboy [N/A] sup2 [Multiple accounts.] superman13 [Just smacked you across the face with a golf club, didn't I?] SwiftPnoy [Multiple accounts.] T.C. [Abusing referral system.] Taco_ [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] tawt [N/A] Tembila [PM a mod from another account when "your brother" can complete his trades.] TEMTPii [N/A] TheGreat [Previously banned member.] Thronefrozen [Your last warning is fin. We gave you a chance to play it legit. You failed.] timmy [Multiple accounts.] timmy222 [Multiple Accounts] TM™ [N/A] to give you this gun #1 [multiple accounts] Tommy [Multiple accounts.] Toxic [Previously banned member.] trewballer [Viruses arnt taken on LG. Do it again and you will no longer have a PC.] Triforce [spamming/exploiting referral system/multiple accounts.] troll [N/A] twat8 [Multiple accounts.] UndefinedAura [I'm sorry, we can't entertain your constant spam.] Undisclosed Theory [Previously banned member.] Unholy [Multiple Account] UnknownxD [Scamming] Usasoke [Multiple accounts.] User Name [Multiple accounts.] usuck [Multi accounts.] UtsuroMirai [Scamming] uzal_8 [Multiple accounts.] vajayjay [Abusing referral system.] Vampire132 [Previously banned member.] Vietnam [Multiple accounts.] Viral Titan [N/A] Virdeal [Scamming.] Viva [Multiple Accounts] Voxazi [Previously banned member.] vtvled [Spammed Advertisements] Wack! [Multiple Accounts] waww [N/A] Wayne [Hacking members I care for more than you.] weddingdress_ryan [Spamming] Wesker [Scamming/previously banned member.] what [N/A] WhatTheFuck [N/A] White [Threats are idol, EBU is all stolen anyways. Deal with it.] Will. [Scamming] wowoptimus [Spammed Advertisements] wutta [Multi accounts.] WVW [Scamming] Xeno [Scamming] xfresh1 [Multiple Accounts] xkreatorx [Multiple accounts.] xxmozerxx [Multiple accounts/Abusing ICash System] yawy [N/A] YOSHIAMONAK [Multiple accounts.] YOU [Previously banned member. Thinking what I should do about that money.] Zack [Unauthorized access to another users account.] zeppy [Hacking into someone else's account/taking their LGG.] zeze1 [Multiple accounts.] Zxeenon [Pm me on Torian when and if you come back. No lending accounts.] Zypher [Multiple accounts.]
Results 1 to 20 of 20
Thread: Banned User List
- 29 Jul. 2010 05:36am #1
Banned User List
- 29 Jul. 2010 05:39am #2
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- 29 Jul. 2010 05:41am #3
- 29 Jul. 2010 05:47am #4
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All i can do for now is link you. im falling asleep at my computer, so I will update it the next chance that I get.
and no offence taken. thank you for your help I appreciate it.Voted Hottest Male Member
Crowned King of Logical Gamers
10 Years of Logical Service.
- 29 Jul. 2010 11:42am #5
Thanks for posting this, ^^
I'm a Girl! Please stop referring to me as a guy!
- 29 Jul. 2010 11:54am #6
Whats, PBM
Last edited by iAmJay; 29 Jul. 2010 at 01:10pm.
- 30 Jul. 2010 01:22am #7
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- 30 Jul. 2010 01:23am #8
ic .
- 30 Jul. 2010 01:42pm #9
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.C GFX [No-one ever liked you and you look like a troll, not a forum troll, one that lives under the bridge.]
- 30 Jul. 2010 02:28pm #10
- 30 Jul. 2010 02:31pm #11
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- 30 Jul. 2010 07:13pm #12
- 30 Jul. 2010 07:21pm #13
Because your ban was lifted.
It's a log of current banned members.
- 31 Jul. 2010 02:19am #14
for a Custom User Title
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FFF? >.> wtf
I listen for the whisper of your sweet insanity.
While I formulate denial of your effect on me.
- 31 Jul. 2010 02:22am #15
- 31 Jul. 2010 02:55am #16
Defy [Constant and Excessive breaking of all rules.]
Defy11.0 [Multiple accounts.]
Defy12.0 [Multiple Accounts]
Defy13.0 [No more accounts dude, its just spam ]
Defy2.0 [Ban evasion.]
Defy3.0 [POWA ABOOS]
Defy4.0 [Multiple accounts/ epic failness]
Defy5.0 [Multiple accounts]
Defy8.0 [N/A]
Defy9.0 [N/A]
That's my boyfriend right there. <33
- 06 Aug. 2010 01:41am #17
Lame ;P I knew alot of thows members is what sickens me.
- 06 Aug. 2010 01:43am #18
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- 06 Aug. 2010 03:30am #19
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"I try to contribute hopefully im doing my job. " :0,
+rep me if you like the pics i draw for you?
Looks like we got ourselves our own ghetto LG chat room
Anyone want an RS account? Add me Pl0x
- 24 Aug. 2010 03:45am #20
I'm a little upset I want this to be updated.