The next person to say "Ban me" for any amount of days just perma ban them?
[No i don't do that 1337 talk so i make the people that i put in my quotation marks look like a noob]
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Thread: Advice to Mod/Admins
- 04 May. 2010 07:28pm #1
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Advice to Mod/Admins
- 04 May. 2010 07:29pm #2
- 04 May. 2010 08:39pm #3
If their so strict about rules why would they?
Hell, they'll probably just add a rule against requesting bans.
And eventually they'll probably make a rule against arguing or speaking against staff.
We aren't big enough for all of this yet.
- 04 May. 2010 08:43pm #4
Its a fad, it will die out. and no we will not grow because there is no point now.
- 04 May. 2010 08:46pm #5
We're only strict about scamming, Multiple accounts, RACISM, flaming outside of Shitter,and spamming.
Last edited by Google; 04 May. 2010 at 08:55pm.
- 04 May. 2010 08:49pm #6
Heh... SOMEtimes, all the times
- 04 May. 2010 08:52pm #7
Its depends.
Edit my other postLast edited by Google; 04 May. 2010 at 09:08pm.
- 04 May. 2010 08:54pm #8
That is an opinion.
I find that being banned for saying a certain salty snack used sometimes as a slang term for a cuacasian is a very strict stretch of the racism rule.
I highly doubt that anybody was offended by that.
What we are doing as of now is making the junkyard pleasing to the general eye, at the sacrifice of enjoyment of some users.
When we grow to a certain size, I could understand these rules. But as of now it seems like an unneeded limitation put into place by the staff.
The fact that the overall community of the junkyard has been affected by this is concerning to many, even if they don't say it and just type "lol dey dservd it".
Nothing's going to change, most likely. And I'd hope that with that no user would change themselves to conform to them. If this path continues then we could lose the community here in the junkyard as people slip and slide into a line in which they all act so similar that what we have now will be forgotten.
I may be overthinking things, I probably am and I am aware. But I do agree that things need to change, the behavior is unorthadox, but to an extent this needs to be allowed.
Wow, I typed all of that.
- 04 May. 2010 08:57pm #9
- 04 May. 2010 08:59pm #10
That doesn't change my opinion at all.
I'm not easily moved when the rare event when I am serious happens.
And I wouldn't be surprised if you got banned for typing cracker, same goes for this post, even though I am using it as an example and not a slanderous term.Last edited by YYZ; 04 May. 2010 at 09:01pm.
- 04 May. 2010 09:02pm #11
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he was banned for the thread with the n-word in it. the one with Crackers was pointless and idiotic.
Ask about something like that before jumping to conclusions.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 04 May. 2010 09:04pm #12
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- 04 May. 2010 09:06pm #13
Still, my opinion stands even with that.
I don't find that word offensive at all, so that is my opinion in a way.
But still, almost everybody here has heard it and used it, in case you haven't noticed, the junkyard isn't the cleanest place you've seen.
I could go into detail about why the n-word isn't a racist term, but I digress.
I still find these rules unneeded, giving some a false sense of security by having limitations such as these.
Nobody can be wrong when it comes to the racism rule as it is an opinion, but I can safely say that if it was up to a majority vote, it wouldn't be in affect.
- 04 May. 2010 09:07pm #14
I mean Black. like negro? (Im not meaning offensive)
- 04 May. 2010 09:08pm #15
It's good being black.
- 04 May. 2010 09:10pm #16
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I might get banned for this but,
That's what my friend told and he is black. We also had a discussion about it in class and we had two black people who also said that's what it means. But the white mane made it a racist term by changing "A" to "ER".
- 04 May. 2010 09:10pm #17
- 04 May. 2010 09:10pm #18
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- 04 May. 2010 09:14pm #19
The rules will still have the same meaning they do now, to restrict us from using slanderous terms against African-Americans.
But I will still find them unneeded even with a larger community, not as much, but still better without.
The word t'was used to refer to ignorant people, but stereotypical people have given it the racist meaning we all know and love today.
And I understand how it would be treated as such, words conform to new generations, such as gay.
Say, why isn't there a rule against using words such as Fag?
You're obviously very sure that a rule against terms used to insult African-Americans is needed.
Why not homosexuals?
We have a few, Fag, Frostbite, and myself to say a few.
Some could argue that fag is a term used to refer to Homosexuals, but some could argue that The n-word is a term used to refer to African-Americans.
And don't bother trying to pull "No one is insulted by the word fag." Because I could say that I am and it would be equally as valid a reason for a rule then if 57 said it offended them, that is if you care about the good of the community.
You can think of it as either. "One person is offended, so we will ban it." Or "The majority of people aren't offended so the few that are will have to suck it up."
You really shouldn't throw your own opinion in with this when making rules to go against words, that is never good for a community.
This rule was implemented before thinking about the repercussions, or they where thought of and staff figured that people who used them would be better off gone.
The latter has hurt the community, whether you like the banned or not.
If you're going to ban everyone who disobeys your idiotic rules, then don't complain about having a small community.
Or add a word filter.Last edited by YYZ; 04 May. 2010 at 09:17pm.
- 04 May. 2010 09:16pm #20
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- 04 May. 2010 09:20pm #21
I find the orders idiotic as well, then.
And by things "Calming down" do you mean people are getting banned until there are no people left who use the n-word? Because that's not calming down, that's just shrinking the community even more.
And I really would like an answer to my regards to the implementation of banning phrases against homosexuals.
I find that very contradictive.
- 04 May. 2010 09:21pm #22
Stand down soldier. The battle looks grim, our men injured and dying. Hope may seem bleak to you now but you must have resolve, you must believe. We will continue to fight. we will continue to build. We will eliminate the obstacles in our way. Be it from the enemy or from within our own regiment.
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- 04 May. 2010 09:29pm #23
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- 04 May. 2010 09:30pm #24