I used to be Sweetie, first off. Then got my username changed due to some users doing some unmentionable things. Hopefully things have blown over tho and I can start out with a clean slate here again. It's nice to see that LG is back and running. Been keeping up to date since the site went down awhile back. I loved this site and the users on it.I've missed ya'll.. Well.. Those who may remember me anyway, lol.
For those of you who don't know me.. I'm 20, Female, from TN. Used to be CA but moved. Aaaand.. That's about it lol. If you'd really like to know more, feel free to message me, I suppose. Oh, and call me Haste. It's my 'name'..
Results 1 to 10 of 10
- 26 Dec. 2009 06:24pm #1
Wow it's been a long time, LG! :)
- 26 Dec. 2009 06:25pm #2
Welcome back !
- 26 Dec. 2009 06:29pm #3
Thanks very much. ^.^
- 26 Dec. 2009 06:34pm #4
Welcome back LG!
I dont really remember you from the old LG.
- 26 Dec. 2009 06:37pm #5
Where's your hangout in the old LG.? o.0
Haven't saw you before...
- 26 Dec. 2009 06:49pm #6
Didnt know you on the Old LG..But anyway welcome back
- 26 Dec. 2009 07:17pm #7
Well, I was. lol. I know Sydd, and a few others that were cool. Twelve, Torian, etc.
I never had a 'hangout'.. I came on a lot for probably 6 or so months, then only came on to sell accounts after being banned a few times by various sites. But it's still nice to be back in any case.
- 26 Dec. 2009 10:01pm #8
Welcome back to LG.
Do you remember me?
- 26 Dec. 2009 11:40pm #9
welcome back to lg
- 27 Dec. 2009 02:10am #10
Welcome back and hope you stay!