do at own risk and do this behind a vpn or single player server.
Here we go:
Theres all in what you need.
The IIS folder with correct setup. Theres also a register page to make a account
What is in?
1. Fixed Server and all other source ink. Data Files. The complete package!!!Also PhysX and Apex is updatet with bin dll files also. And dont forget the ts3server also.
2. DB Backup and user which is configured allready in everything. The user i use is wz_api_user. Theres a sql file to import (but dont forget to give this user sysadmin and rights on your WarZ DB)
3. IIS inetpub folder with ready to start api and folders for Launcher and compiled bin files.
Everything is configured to C:\WarZ here you need to have the bin and src folder.
No need of searching where is ip or link false.
everything is ready.
Suld should you do?
have a ready configured IIS with PHP and MSSQL Server setup. And configured VS2008
with lib folder C:\WarZ and include folder set C:\WarZ
also not forget to set Lib folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x86
and include folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include (depending on your os if x32 or x64)
And this last lib: C:\WarZ\src\Eternity\Source\VoIP
How to use then?
compile everything then start. ts3server.exe then masterserver at least supervisor server and here you go
Then your ready to use my files.
Update 1:!nFklULyZ!PG9yhi...nDpT__d_-eWlIs
Update 2:!OFsxXIRK!VZAGaS...t4MCUUfcvaEJ9Y
Update 2: Fixed Group (need test) Fixed SWF files that car hud and so alsrking again. (But no Soundbug on my maschine when driving sounds like a M4 with automatic fire xD
Have fun and Greeting UltraTM
1: Group system isn't working (sometimes) & right click group menu isn't in English
2: Can we fix spawned cars so it doesn't crash the server
3: Trade doesn't work
4: When getting into the cars sometimes all you hear is a constant gunshot (this is because of the buggy carsystem. Wait until Codexpro releasing his system implement this then)
5: Fired M107 then swapped to M4 then game crashed and r3dlog flooded with:
000038.391| Firedelay itemid '101055' , '-1073741824'
000042.914| Firedelay itemid '101055' , '-1073741824'
000067.693| Firedelay itemid '101055' , '-1073741824'
000295.426| Firedelay itemid '101055' , '-1073741824'
if you have questions post them up on this forum link.
[Release] All Right Thailand Source (including fixes) + Updates - RaGEZONE - MMO development community
Results 1 to 2 of 2
- 08 Apr. 2014 05:04pm #1
how to set up a warz/infestation survivor stories private server
- 09 Jul. 2014 02:07pm #2
Thats nice,we can make LAN fights