I'm general against the serialization of games when the first game comes out and concludes nicely but then ecause the game made a ton of money the makers or investors force sequels. Now, that's not to say I'm anti sequel. I think it from game one you knew there was more and you set up your games to tell a story across them from the start, that that is awesome. But I'm very much against how a lot of hit games now will conclude in game one or two and then , they just keep making more. It's like everyone is trying to take up the Final Fantasy model. I personally hate it. I think you should tel your story and then leave it alone. Knowing when to end something is important.
For instance, I hate what happened to Kingdom Hearts. The actual games, I & II are good. I kind of feel like we could have left it at I but they sort of always hinted at a trilogy, you had the teaser for III at the end of I. In what I assume is an effort to preserve the sanctity of their story, when the games were successful and they had to make a bunch we've got these tons of mis-mashed games that are in the time line, not in the time line. Often revolving around whatever mechanic the designers have come up with to use as an excuse for having a game. I'll grant them the mechanics are often cool and innovative Still I'd like the last chapter of my story and for that to be the end of it. Though in the defense of some of those involved they are doing what I consider a legitimate move if you have to keep coming out with games. An that is to have characters that are not the main characters from the main story line have stories set in the same/similar/alternative universe. This lets you whore your success without damaging the story and legitimate canon.
There are pros and cons this method of thinking.
What are your thoughts?
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- 09 Apr. 2013 10:46pm #1
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Hit Games: Is the squele/serialization of a story a good thing?
- 12 Apr. 2013 03:25am #2
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IMHO, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it. It can give an amazing storyline (Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy(Kinda)) or it can be a bastardization for the sake of money (Every EA Sports game ever made). If you create a game series and it has a deep enthralling story line, and it is something unique and special that people love to play, its an amazing thing. If you make MLB Baseball 4568762378401353049856731498634958, and there is no significant difference to the either the game play or the story, you're just a money whore.
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- 29 Apr. 2013 09:09am #3
i don't really mind unless there was a clear ending with no hints at a sequel. beating a dead horse is not cool.