Which do you prefer and why!?
Personally, I choose female characters because if I am going to be looking at a character's ass the entire game, I want that to be a woman's ass.
Kind of a stupid reason but that's just what I do.
Plus some of their voices can be really sexy, Saints Row The Third is a prime example of why I would rather have a woman character.
So what about you!?
Results 1 to 21 of 21
Thread: Male or Female character?
- 09 Feb. 2013 04:21pm #1
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Male or Female character?
Made by Use.
used to be known as the once fabled "Ethan," Slayer of Theocules, Bringer of Rain!
- 15 Feb. 2013 09:06pm #2
I pick whichever I'm in the mood for. Generally male or female doesn't even cross my mind, such as in games like Dota. In RPGs, usually male, because I like to be able to imagine myself in their shoes. Rarely I'll pick female just because it's always interesting to see how environmental interpretations differ based on a boolean gender change, or to see what it's like being a female gamer in games that have communities/player interactions. (And so far, it sucks.)
- 15 Feb. 2013 09:11pm #3
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Depends on my mood. When it comes to things like MMOs and such it depends on the class and whether or not I feel I can make a decent character based off them.
In pokemon I usually have one female and one male since I normally have one of each game.
All hail kitty pig.
- 16 Feb. 2013 05:27pm #4
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I usually pick a male character, and then try to make the character look like me. I think thats mostly because when I was young I played the wrestling video games and used only my created character.
I use a female character everyone once in a blue moon, mostly to mess with the people that I end up beating.Voted Hottest Male Member
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- 16 Feb. 2013 05:43pm #5
Normally male characters but like you said if it's not point of view I'd rather see some ass.
I don't get tired.
- 11 Mar. 2013 12:59am #6
depends on my mood but i alway choose male character in my game
- 11 Mar. 2013 02:29pm #7
I tend to play female side characters, but my mains are always male because I don't want guys trying to come on to me thinking I'm actually a girl it gets creepy when that happens
- 11 Mar. 2013 11:40pm #8
Men just cause , most good games have boy characters.
Ya Bish
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- 12 Mar. 2013 04:11pm #9
I just realized I always pick male characters.
- 12 Mar. 2013 04:53pm #10
- 16 Mar. 2013 07:40pm #11
I choose male most of the time, the female animations look so ~unf look at me walk all girly~. If they walked like that in reality I'd imagine it would be quite uncomfortable.
- 17 Mar. 2013 03:33am #12
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Any sort of game where you regularly change characters I don't think about it. I'm focused on class and stats. RPG I go male because I'm male. There is a disparity in games with female main characters, but I've never not played a game because the main character was male or female. The last FF had a female lead and she was not over-sexualized,had an interesting personality, and that came out of Japan. I don't really care though, I mean it just doesn't register for me as an important issue.
- 17 Mar. 2013 03:54am #13
I almost always go with female, except I tend to favour the males when I play Final Fantasy games. XII was a notable exception. I played as Fran any time I had the option to. Why? Because goddamn, that's why.
- 17 Mar. 2013 04:42pm #14
Tomb raider- Lara crofts ass the whole game. since it's flashing into the camera most of the time
- 19 Mar. 2013 10:30pm #15
I usually choose female characters for my rpg games. Why, because they tend to be the only good ranged attackers except their defense is lower than aything. Its kind of dumb to be one hitted when you start a game, just because your characters a girl, but ehh. Thats when I run anyways.
- 28 Mar. 2013 02:23pm #16
Generally male, yet it depends on the classes/races available and whether or not they're gender-locked.
- 30 Mar. 2013 12:07pm #17
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I use male most often. I only use female characters to trick other players especially on RPGs where people help "girls" alot.
Humans yawn when they think of it.
- 05 Jun. 2013 01:37pm #18
Male because i dislike female gear / clothe in games.
The males usually have all the bad ass items.
- 05 Jun. 2013 06:08pm #19
I prefer a girl character. If i have to see the back/butt of someone while i play, might as well be a girl butt ;D
- 09 Jun. 2013 03:54am #20
female on 2nd play through
- 13 Jun. 2013 07:07pm #21
Male, unless females get some perks. Like on Gunz Online there sword KS style looks better than guys.