When creating a character in Skyrim choosing the race plays a big part on what you plan on doing ingame. For example if you plan on doing damage from a far and using alchemy for making money on the side then you should pick the Bosmer ( Wood Elf ) race. Now If you plan on getting in your enemies face and bashing them with a two-handed long sword or axe then you should definitely pick the Orsimer ( Orc ) race. Here are a few other race bonuses.
~High Elf~
- +10 Illusion
- +5 Alteration
- +5 Conjuration
- +5 Destruction
- +5 Enchanting
- +5 Restoration
- +10 Lockpicking
- +5 Alteration
- +5 Light Armor
- +5 Pickpocket
- +5 Restoration
- +5 Sneak
~Wood Elf~
- +10 Archery
- +5 Alchemy
- +5 Light Armor
- +5 Lockpicking
- +5 Pickpocket
- +5 Sneak
- +10 Conjuration
- +5 Alchemy
- +5 Alteration
- +5 Illusion
- +5 Restoration
- +5 Speech
~Dark Elf~
- +10 Destruction
- +5 Alchemy
- +5 Alteration
- +5 Illusion
- +5 Light Armor
- +5 Sneak
- +10 Restoration
- +5 Block
- +5 Destruction
- +5 Enchanting
- +5 Heavy Armor
- +5 One-handed
- +10 Sneak
- +5 Alchemy
- +5 Archery
- +5 Lockpicking
- +5 Pickpocket
- +5 One-handed
- +10 Two-handed
- +5 Block
- +5 Light Armor
- +5 One-handed
- +5 Smithing
- +5 Speech
- +10 Heavy Armor
- +5 Block
- +5 Enchanting
- +5 One-handed
- +5 Smithing
- +5 Two-handed
- +10 One-handed
- +5 Alteration
- +5 Archery
- +5 Block
- +5 Destruction
- +5 Smithing
Results 1 to 1 of 1
Thread: Starting Race Bonuses
- 28 Jan. 2012 04:51pm #1
Starting Race Bonuses
Last edited by Jenni; 28 Jan. 2012 at 05:39pm.