If you haven't watched it yet I suggest too. ----> YouTube - E3 2010 Coverage - Machinima - Nintendo 3DS Demo Part 1 (Nintendo E3 Press Conference 2010)
Discuss your opinions, personally I think it looks better than anything sony and microsoft have come out with.
I'm totally looking forward to it, especially since Kingdom hearts, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, and a whole host of other games are going to be released on it.
Not to mention the fact that you can use it to go on the internet and take 3d pictures is fucking awesome.
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Thread: E3 Nintendo 3DS Looks Epic
- 18 Jun. 2010 03:20pm #1
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E3 Nintendo 3DS Looks Epic
All hail kitty pig.
- 19 Jun. 2010 12:51am #2
- 19 Jun. 2010 12:58am #3
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Personally I like the Idea of 3D besides you can turn on and off the 3D capabilities. Also the ds is getting a major update in graphics, it's going to be able to play movies ect. I have a psp already so n
rries on the things coming to psp. I just think it's interesting, and don't really see how 3D is going to "ruin" everything myself, but to each their own. C:
All hail kitty pig.
- 19 Jun. 2010 03:53am #4
First of all you can't turn off the 3D, you can just "minimize" the effect to a certain point. And i saw the so called graphics update, they look like PSOne graphics, amazing update, right?
I'm not bashing or anything it's just that everybody is putting so much importance on 3d now, and how fun its gonna be, but 3d puts twice the strain on our eyes, so i assume the playing time will be shortened as well.
I'm not buying this, i just bought the DS with the largeass screen and not planning on wasting money on another DS by them.
Milking is what theyre doing, stealing our money Dx
- 19 Jun. 2010 05:07am #5
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In the E3 Highlight it said that there is a switch to turn it on and off, maybe I wasn't paying correct attention? o_O; But from what I remember you can actually change the screen. In any case I'd say it's graphics are at least around ps2 level. I'm assuming they're going to have to be at least decent considering you can watch 3d movies on it. More and more things are going to move towards 3D in order to better emulate the real world. It's what people have bee striving since games were created a "true virtual reality." Personally I don't really think it's waste since it's getting a host of new features, plus I'd like to upgrade my original Ds (the super fat one) at some point in time but I never saw the point until now. (I agree the big Ds was just a retarded Idea and I didn't even like the Dsi). As far as hurting our eyes, we view everything in 3D naturally so I don't see what's going to hurt our eyes. o3o Also as far as the battery life the Ds already has a longer life than a psp so I'm not worried. I don't really keep up with the trendy stuff so I wouldn't know how popular it is, I just stumbled upon it when my boyfriend and I were watching E3 highlights together and it was the only thing we saw remote interest in. I think the appeal of the new DS is it's another hand held system, it has a bunch of new features, and personally I always found the DS a bit more comfortable to play than the psp. I also just thought it brought more to the plate than what I saw Mircosoft and Sony had. They pretty much just rehashed the motion sensor thing from last year. These are just my opinions though. ^^;
(For give all typos I'm totally half asleep right now. lol)
All hail kitty pig.
- 19 Jun. 2010 06:31am #6
- 19 Jun. 2010 08:19am #7
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Lol you really didn't watch the highlight did you? XD No you don't need 3D Glasses at all.
All hail kitty pig.
- 19 Jun. 2010 05:34pm #8
I watched it but my friend says they were all wearing 3D glasses, i told him its for the TVs, for the PS3 and XBOX 3d games Dx
Either way i dont like the idea at all D:<
And graphics are on par with maybe like the first ps2 game that came out or last psx game. :]
Either way if they come with something good, ill prolly trade mine in, but the game is gonna have to be better than KH 358/2 and World Ends With You.
Well i'm gonna be gone for a while, so i probably wont reply soon haha
Well, all im saying is they need to chill on the whole 3d thing, and just make better games.
- 19 Jun. 2010 07:45pm #9
the ps3 already has some 3d games out
- 19 Jun. 2010 08:01pm #10
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Those are stereoscopic 3D though and require glasses. o.o
@SN art: Nrries about the not replying thing for a while I understand.
Haha I just want to see pokemon in 3D, not to mention the kid Icarus game that they showed looked pretty cool to me. Plus there is bound to be at least on zelda game.
So I'm happy. Haha
All hail kitty pig.
- 19 Jun. 2010 08:15pm #11
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No 3D Glasses
YouTube - E3 2010 Coverage - Machinima - Nintendo 3DS Demo - Part 2 (Nintendo E3 Press Conference 2010)
Part 2, first like, 30 seconds he says "no 3d glasses."
A stereo-image separator (usually 3D glasses) is actually already on the left and right side of the screen, and with the facial tracking system, it allows you to be able to see the 3D from where you're sittingNintendo is brilliant.
Last edited by Frostbite; 19 Jun. 2010 at 08:58pm.
- 20 Jun. 2010 12:05am #12
First off its a prototype. Second off the graphics look better than a psp, your just a major Sony fanboy scared of competition. And you could turn off the 3D, Nintendo is all about safety. Why wouldn't they add that feature in there?
- 20 Jun. 2010 03:26pm #13
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Until technology like this is able to be distributed widely, which is going to be very difficult considering how far along it might be released since this is just a prototype, and I have to stress that word, it could take years to release, especially with all that they promised and showed. Hopefully they can keep their own hype under control and deliver, or else they will end up with some serious egg on their faces.
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- 21 Jun. 2010 05:27am #14
I'm looking forward to it but the 3d-ness-ness will probably kill my eyes.
What is the slide pad for? o_o
- 21 Jun. 2010 01:57pm #15
Regardless, it looks pretty cool. I just hope I don't get dizzy from the effects.
- 25 Jun. 2010 01:58am #16
Good point, pokemon in 3d would be bomb, and heehaw those graphics can't even compare to PSP kingdom hearts, go die, i want pokemanz
P.S. Frosty's right, lol i knew the glasses were involved somehow, well the concept is bwahahaha
Kid Icarus is like the only game i thought was worthy to look at.
Maybe Kirby too
- 29 Jun. 2010 02:18am #17
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wow thanks for the link i didit even know about this it looks so best
- 29 Jun. 2010 04:06am #18
Dude SN art, the graphics for KH3D looks better than BBS, they are also using the same engine as BBS and they add some more stuff to make it look better. So you go die in a ditch. The bbs graphics, not during scenes, are reallt jaggie. Have you seen them!
- 06 Jul. 2010 02:27am #19
The question is have YOU seen them. KH BBS has the graphics almot equivalent to the first KH game, and so does the 3DS KH game, but still not as good as BBS. And aside from KH, other games still look like the same old NDS 3d graphics. I mean look at Kid Icarus. The screenshots they have for KH 3d are mostly CUTSCENE shots.
Im sure they'll polish it enough, and make it look really good, maybe even better than BBS, but at this point i dont even fucking care, especially not when Nintendo keeps showing their fucking handhelds down our throats.I doubt KH 3d will be using BBS controls/engine, since BBS has different forms and summons, completely different thatn the original KH, which is where the ds game is located.[or somewhere aroun that timeline]
- 07 Jul. 2010 12:44am #20
I am so buying one. The graphics will surely surpass psp. And by far will be the best portable system around to date
Shh, I'm watching My little pony.
- 07 Jul. 2010 01:17am #21
- 07 Jul. 2010 01:35am #22
- 07 Jul. 2010 03:05am #23