New “Resurgence” Modern Warfare 2 map pack inbound
New MW2 map pack to cost $15 when it launches exclusively for Xbox 360

Already tired of the multiplayer maps that came with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Have you memorized all the spawn locations and camping spots in the levels that came with the game’s first map pack a few months ago? At any rate, Activision is sure hoping you did so, because they’ve just announced that a second set of maps, titled “Resurgence”, is slated to be released via download for Xbox 360 on June 3rd.

Similar to the “Stimulus” map pack, “Resurgence” will offer games five new maps—two of which, “Vacant” and “Strike”, are revamped stages featured in the first Modern Warfare—for an equally hefty fee of $15.

According to a press release issued by Activision, here’s a brief description of each of the three new maps coming to Modern Warfare 2.

“Carnival - takes place on a ‘desolated amusement park’ complete with roller coaster, fun house, and other staples of theme parks. This daytime map features all new art and original assets that’s a big playable area

Fuel - A huge map similar to overgrown set in an oil refinery full of wide open spaces and buildings. The layout of the map makes it a sniper haven with objective points set in areas to enable running and gunning.

Trailer Park - A maze of ‘mobile estates’ that acts as the living area for the people that worked in the Boneyard that is part of the full game. It is full of tight corridors, choke points, and good ole American trailer park atmosphere.”