REMOVED. Origin just told me no -censor-. Sorry.;;
Btw please move this to either gold or silver. Go ahead and scan or just test. It works great.
Results 1 to 4 of 4
- 10 Nov. 2009 12:42am #1
Couldn't really find where to put this.
Last edited by Fag; 10 Nov. 2009 at 12:44am.
- 10 Nov. 2009 12:43am #2
Thanks, that was a nice link. I also liked the vote points warcraft hack it had.
- 10 Nov. 2009 12:44am #3
Nice. Good Job.
Dont Worry Site Will Be Uber Again Soon.
- 10 Nov. 2009 12:44am #4
Bots may only be posted in Underground. I'll post a sticky about it shortly.
Edit: if you want me to post it in Bronze/Silver/Gold just PM me the link and I'll do it.