Apart from knowing the P.T.R.O.A and the monthly collectible hack i also know the Admin gaia gold hack what that is, is that they click on the site it askes them how much gold they want and their username and password they fill it out and BAM their info is now urs
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Thread: Admin Gaiagold hack
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:01pm #1
Admin Gaiagold hack
Helping people with their Hacking needsool:
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:15pm #2
Maybe we should target every admin and than once we one we use that admin to control the other admins
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:16pm #3
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:19pm #4
I think we should just hack an admin quick and make a epic flp and have that admin send it to the other that way we can control them somehow
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:21pm #5
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:47pm #6
You know how hard that is though.
Saying it is easy...but actually doing it is harder
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:49pm #7
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:56pm #8
pretty much u have to hack the /phpmyadmin of the server than you can get into the database than goto the account list and the first account should definently be a Admin get the password and the name, dont change anything log off, hold the info for about a week login to the account and send pm's and than get into the database and take pictures of all the accounts and everything u want, the hardest part of it all though is to get the password for /phpmyadmin everything else is easy
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:57pm #9
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:58pm #10
- 11 Nov. 2009 07:59pm #11
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:00pm #12
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:07pm #13
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:20pm #14
I know that they track you by ip but why not just go outside a place where they give free internet out like a public library or a wireless place I highly doubt the cops will be able to track you down there
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:22pm #15
Lol, besides the fact that hacking the server gets every account you own insta banned....
Just go find like the earliest Gaia members take a screenie of the page, oh yeah and the police will find you ;]
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:23pm #16
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:27pm #17
Damn those pigs I'll just throw a bunch of donuts on the floor see if they can catch me lol
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:27pm #18
Yah Uber's right they'll track you whatever way you can.
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:47pm #19
uld the police spend time trying to track people on a internet gaming site or go arrest some rapist?
-Guys! I just busted some 13 year old kid hacking Gaiaonline!
-Guys! I just found the rapist that we've been searching for the past few weeks.Last edited by Crank; 11 Nov. 2009 at 08:51pm.
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:54pm #20
- 11 Nov. 2009 08:55pm #21
- 11 Nov. 2009 09:14pm #22
mates its easier said than done id rather Give my account way then trying to do this. dont be ni-yeeve
- 11 Nov. 2009 11:26pm #23
This is just a question. Say you do hack an admin and ban admins or unban your accounts. But then wouldn't you go to jail?
- 11 Nov. 2009 11:28pm #24
I love people who are all like "I'm smart, i can do this so i'm gonna make my own website hey anyone wanna join my team and work for me? Cuz i'm awesome and I can do something that tons of other people can do better than me?"
grrr! i are rage! >=[
- 11 Nov. 2009 11:28pm #25
- 11 Nov. 2009 11:53pm #26
HAHA i totaly agree that this guy is a dumb ass.
- 12 Nov. 2009 05:17am #27
Back on topic now peoples. o.o
Well back off topic, it is uber hard to hack the server.
- 12 Nov. 2009 12:02pm #28
- 12 Nov. 2009 02:12pm #29
- 12 Nov. 2009 10:59pm #30
That would be a challenge. The admins wouldnt fall for something as simple as a FLP
- 12 Nov. 2009 11:03pm #31
- 13 Nov. 2009 03:05am #32
They will patch it or take down the site for a few hours and replace it with a backup.
It has been tried before... (This is what I have heard)
Even though I really doubt these people have done it before. Oh well whatever they would still restore from a backup then take down the site update/patch it. D:
- 13 Nov. 2009 04:29am #33
Nice idea but will never work out.