Rules : Must post at least 1 working account with every reply
Code:Cassidy S : kittens : 88858 venus_kitten83 : kittens : 117001 venus_kitten18 : kittens : 117024 Starsha : kittens : 128864 kitten6 : kittens : 159342 nekodemon987 : kittens : 171842 Maelstar : kittens : 181677 ~Mad~~Hatter~ : kittens : 204482 I am moose! : kittens : 228365 Lady Kaiya : kittens : 256513 friendlypats : kittens : 299725 329789 : kittens : 329804 359615 : kittens : 359631 Kenichi-San : kittens : 380189 Shadow Asylum : kittens : 391437 Chibi_Naraku : kittens : 393976 Wicked_Vixen : kittens : 404037 BlackTide03 : kittens : 414610 botanethness : kittens : 430538 cuttie_kitty : kittens : 445217 sniz2790 : kittens : 457657 Zukewolf : kittens : 463417 Floffmeistergeneral : kittens : 469853 Alieah : kittens : 488752 Kasumi_xdoaxbvb : kittens : 490369 Vampiress_Savie : kittens : 492445 Yuki224 : kittens : 495648 524605 : kittens : 524659 526347 : kittens : 526410 528640 : kittens : 528658 kitty_gal2465 : kittens : 529268 demon_girl18 : kittens : 533078 Kiroikoneko : kittens : 536256 o.ODemonic_AngelO_o : kittens : 548723 Jenna_Fabulous : kittens : 549092 551211 : kittens : 551974 KyuusaishaKaosuno : kittens : 556850 566655 : kittens : 566993 584626 : kittens : 584642 sweet-as-candy : kittens : 593477 Rachiou : kittens : 594545 Zadine Raro : kittens : 597436 600885 : kittens : 600908 611726 : kittens : 611733 xoxMewmewxox : kittens : 619802 Emerald Rose : kittens : 692160 Sesyound : kittens : 693199 Andriod Seventeen : kittens : 693324 DavidsGurl4eva : kittens : 700799 TroubledRose : kittens : 700875 Danamun : kittens : 701182 lil_sugah : kittens : 706120 wonderfulydiferent : kittens : 714055 TheAlchemist`s Daughter : kittens : 723407 Seiya_chab : kittens : 725409 fluffypaws : kittens : 1007725 fluffypaws22 : kittens : 1009300 Kat_BlackMoon : kittens : 1012764 dark_soul99 : kittens : 1040420 Kasuzula : kittens : 1045191 Kimazu : kittens : 1045338 vampire_girl : kittens : 1051196 ~WhimsicalInsanity~ : kittens : 1053057 Lucky_kittie : kittens : 1054085 TehRaven : kittens : 1055985 sparkletangerine : kittens : 1057841 KumiteD : kittens : 1065308 KumiteXD : kittens : 1066713 Mist_kitten : kittens : 1066774 meow-e-cat : kittens : 1084069 Troubles_maiden : kittens : 1088440 Dark_kitten13 : kittens : 1093016 forest~kitten : kittens : 1130867 ceilicana102 : kittens : 1146714 ~~crystal~~person~~yea~~~ : kittens : 1169234 angel_gryffindor : kittens : 1189248 ultimate_plush_toy : kittens : 1215807 ~~The~~Mad~~Hatter~~ : kittens : 1231010 Mistari : kittens : 1242297 Naraku_lord_of_the_dance : kittens : 1246501 Shy_Mouse : kittens : 1251385 Shiest_Mouse : kittens : 1251446 rokyjg : kittens : 1268178 Deefer_Dog : kittens : 1285264 Lilithflower : kittens : 1285418 angelbaby2 : angels : 1001301 unbroken000 : angels : 1014365 lushsky : angels : 1019520 ushrluvr4evr : angels : 1021476 Green_Bitch : angels : 1021802 angel_breath : angels : 1029025 Forever Heaven : angels : 1034860 cheetah6565 : angels : 1036828 AlleDeZerr55 : angels : 1038382 TheLove : angels : 1040816 Ehara : angels : 1046564 eyed_monster : angels : 1048016 rocketstarangel : angels : 1054028 Porscha : angels : 1056868 caitlin_cody : angels : 1056918 snow_tiger15 : angels : 1060386 AznKnightz : angels : 1072160 Destiny_forever_ : angels : 1080545 Gillina : angels : 1090001 angel1840 : angels : 1090743 Ahiru the Duck : angels : 1091609 [ish.forgot.] : angels : 1098012 1103326 : angels : 1103344 lilone2006 : angels : 1112277 truuskeh : angels : 1118070 faeriequeen18 : angels : 1119737 Rainbow Angelic Angel : angels : 1119945 faeriequeen17 : angels : 1119988 XoXChanelXoX : angels : 1125678 angelicdreams : angels : 1127068 LovenSean : angels : 1127583 cutie162004 : angels : 1133549
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4 Votes
Results 1 to 9 of 9
Thread: Free Gaiaonline Accounts thread
- 06 Dec. 2017 11:10pm #1
Free Gaiaonline Accounts thread
Last edited by Omlett; 06 Dec. 2017 at 11:14pm. Reason: i fucked up
yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 09 Dec. 2017 12:22am #2
- 09 Dec. 2017 12:47am #3
honestly i found a list on my hardrive and im just pulling randoms, i found a list of like every gaia employees email they registered with too
Code:100750:123456789 101744:123456789 101760:123456789 101764:123456789 102387:123456789 102543:123456789 102278:silver 103100:123456789 103668:123456789 103672:123456789 103673:123456789 103740:123456789 103862:123456789 104167:silver 105317:123456789 105608:123456789 106654:123456789 106836:cheese 107644:cheese 107719:cheese 107928:123456789 108116:cheese 108410:123456789 108475:silver 108416laystation- 108780:123456789 108551:silver 109092:123456789 108867:silver 109956: 123456789 109776: playstation 110388: silver 110442: silver 110768: playstation 111386: 123456789 112366: 123456789 112920: silver 113182: silver 113676: cheese 500974: 123456789 501019: 123456789 501083: 123456789 501531: 123456789 501645: 123456789 501607: cheese 501672: cheese 501790: cheese 501954: cheese 501962: cheese 501792: silver 502466: cheese 502774: 123456789 502815: 123456789 502838: 123456789 502759: cheese 503274: cheese 503296: cheese 503584: 123456789 503622: 123456789 503156: playstation 504300: 123456789 504314: cheese 504483: 123456789 504333: silver 504943: cheese KikiMangoStar A5D8rf9AS894G897hg loving_dude1021 raniemon the_darkness_girl saldainiukas CassandraAKACassie ilovenic wolf_tears_silver SILVERmoon1 Aisha Kiske yinandyang Xxswa33er 1ik3 b01xX bol123 XxKiNg-KiDxX bigbig123 xx_sexy legs_xx keolaboy123 alex_eats_the_world anime114 joeymac30 spider cybermin shadowpowermin8000 shadowninja8000 tyson8000 shadowmin8000 blizzardninja8000 the amazing jackassrox 3 jackass amf_malaysia hondac200 RDC23 fibreglass xkhmrboi14 inuyasha forbiddenemotions superjenny kumar14 planb22 hackingmaster101 ga1996722 hackingmaster101 13585891723ga Shipuuden p0k3m0n9 haru781 a12b3cAA xDarkshadownightx Flamefrost24 Mexican-_-Godzilla 619mexico kellykwong mimim464715 teh_uber_noodle_buttsecks black650 imikachan13 animeanime huggybear455 hithere ez667 badboy Demona_16 inuyasha13 Maha Vailo 123 nintendo123 oldspice123 95davma1 rima_touyachan123 dragonwings1 vampire_knightchick123 dragonwings1 crips_it_for_life123 spiritfalcon xdarkskillx planb22 Anime_god101 simran01 strophanthus naruto Ravynhart blackout9 zackfair11 jasman classic_mickey szabo1 strigon00 112233e JensDa1 boobies1 tabbix ikis$brad2606 II DollFace II lizzie13 II DollFace II lizzie13 OMG its a hobo j1234567 SPARTTAN naruto12 killin-it-man walktheman1 mawee2009 blondie200 moonspring28 vampires27 123454dgf mikeonia12 swifty277 guitarkid Number_1_Persona beetlebeetle2 BEiNG-EViL 5ff1a4640 shinguard creative lionheart66 inuyasha12 sexybeas456 michigan SORA2329 7645890 SORA2329 246810 vampirehunter823 sacred823 silentfrznrain iam1n4ell hopefloatin password xSPARTTANx naruto67 Takkun-01 haruko terror24 pokefan himawari nohara 123holygothdude aang nohara 123holygothdude hey_hay_hay hibyby byron04 pokerface04 wolfandfox12345 iloveharry wolfandfox12345 iloveharry oodvdoo hotboy xXsNiPeRsXx narutosucks8 cyberdragon111 140600 coolmariano_jeff767 celtics11 coolmariano_jeff767 celtics11 Afar_Malaysia90 hidayah100% Unoichi felipelupin12 KillerNine123 roxasz12 killdog102 football1 konen100 gotmilk1 EvilxSin g-set1200 i Demi_Lovato violin2 i RaWrz_BitChx3 aarocks13 Cuttie for life 22ewoodburn bluesyd10 calinisan10 xpaqman76x ironman95
yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 09 Dec. 2017 05:37am #4
I feel like taking some of these just for their usernames and year tbh
- 09 Dec. 2017 01:03pm #5
who the fuck chooses "playstation" as a password lol
btw none of them seem trk for me, even the ones with not so recent last login dates
Last edited by baristunc; 09 Dec. 2017 at 01:13pm.
- 13 Dec. 2017 06:52pm #6
Code:ursnickerz69 : password : 473037 GoNeBaNaNaS24 : password : 473180 Jeff123 : password : 474271 summergrl : password : 474587 Maxiekid91 : password : 477430 Gurlz_Rule : password : 478531 who_r_u : password : 478539 LoneWulf : password : 478833 pervertedmonk : password : 479390 SeXy_ShIka : password : 479814 FIJJLY : password : 480378 JippenshaMitsurgi : password : 480506 dantay : password : 480601 Shokuken : password : 481323 Blanthe : password : 481438 phycho freak : password : 482388 lightwraith : password : 482410 [Name goes here] : password : 482538 Goraaino : password : 483220 Elden_666 : password : 483867 jusAdreemur : password : 484945 Mip-7J9 : password : 485441 xSpAzX : password : 485475 KingOfMadness : password : 485490 Zoryn : password : 486374 Bubgie_Woman : password : 486446 le petit chou : password : 487336 nispertun : password : 487412 dragon keeper1995 : password : 487636 hotpinkpistol : password : 487865 bluetadpole07 : password : 488420 BlankSo : password : 489086 budgie_woman : password : 489270 xxmichellexx55 : password : 489547 tronk : password : 489696 GhOsT_kOs : password : 491474 Jason Blackheart : password : 491893 Not known : password : 492024 AnotherFineMyth : password : 492216 giggles22 : password : 492982 hameki : password : 493332 Dude_where_am_i : password : 493669 x3olgax3 : password : 493903 Wolfwood_Chan2003 : password : 494125 wrongling : password : 494180 Hello101 : password : 494510 OliveOil : password : 494769 Josie758 : password : 495031 D Way J : password : 495574 Blueeyeduke : password : 495877 D4rk_dr4g0n : password : 496037 tanya_97 : password : 496382 cutted : password : 496482 Christmaspoo : password : 496923 Skanktuary : password : 498581 azn.pride28 : password : 498958 X-TREME_THRILL : password : 499743 100750:123456789 101744:123456789 101760:123456789 101764:123456789 102387:123456789 102543:123456789 102278:silver 103100:123456789 103668:123456789 103672:123456789 103673:123456789 103740:123456789 103862:123456789 104167:silver 105317:123456789 105608:123456789 106654:123456789 106836:cheese 107644:cheese 107719:cheese 107928:123456789 108116:cheese 108410:123456789 108475:silver 108416laystation- 108780:123456789 108551:silver 109092:123456789 108867:silver 109956: 123456789 109776: playstation 110388: silver 110442: silver 110768: playstation 111386: 123456789 112366: 123456789 112920: silver 113182: silver 113676: cheese 500974: 123456789 501019: 123456789 501083: 123456789 501531: 123456789 501645: 123456789 501607: cheese 501672: cheese 501790: cheese 501954: cheese 501962: cheese 501792: silver 502466: cheese 502774: 123456789 502815: 123456789 502838: 123456789 502759: cheese 503274: cheese 503296: cheese 503584: 123456789 503622: 123456789 503156: playstation 504300: 123456789 504314: cheese 504483: 123456789 504333: silver 504943: cheese KikiMangoStar A5D8rf9AS894G897hg loving_dude1021 raniemon the_darkness_girl saldainiukas CassandraAKACassie ilovenic wolf_tears_silver SILVERmoon1 Aisha Kiske yinandyang Xxswa33er 1ik3 b01xX bol123 XxKiNg-KiDxX bigbig123 xx_sexy legs_xx keolaboy123 alex_eats_the_world anime114 joeymac30 spider cybermin shadowpowermin8000 shadowninja8000 tyson8000 shadowmin8000 blizzardninja8000 the amazing jackassrox 3 jackass amf_malaysia hondac200 RDC23 fibreglass xkhmrboi14 inuyasha forbiddenemotions superjenny kumar14 planb22 hackingmaster101 ga1996722 hackingmaster101 13585891723ga Shipuuden p0k3m0n9 haru781 a12b3cAA xDarkshadownightx Flamefrost24 Mexican-_-Godzilla 619mexico kellykwong mimim464715 teh_uber_noodle_buttsecks black650 imikachan13 animeanime huggybear455 hithere ez667 badboy Demona_16 inuyasha13 Maha Vailo 123 nintendo123 oldspice123 95davma1 rima_touyachan123 dragonwings1 vampire_knightchick123 dragonwings1 crips_it_for_life123 spiritfalcon xdarkskillx planb22 Anime_god101 simran01 strophanthus naruto Ravynhart blackout9 zackfair11 jasman classic_mickey szabo1 strigon00 112233e JensDa1 boobies1 tabbix ikis$brad2606 II DollFace II lizzie13 II DollFace II lizzie13 OMG its a hobo j1234567 SPARTTAN naruto12 killin-it-man walktheman1 mawee2009 blondie200 moonspring28 vampires27 123454dgf mikeonia12 swifty277 guitarkid Number_1_Persona beetlebeetle2 BEiNG-EViL 5ff1a4640 shinguard creative lionheart66 inuyasha12 sexybeas456 michigan SORA2329 7645890 SORA2329 246810 vampirehunter823 sacred823 silentfrznrain iam1n4ell hopefloatin password xSPARTTANx naruto67 Takkun-01 haruko terror24 pokefan himawari nohara 123holygothdude aang nohara 123holygothdude hey_hay_hay hibyby byron04 pokerface04 wolfandfox12345 iloveharry wolfandfox12345 iloveharry oodvdoo hotboy xXsNiPeRsXx narutosucks8 cyberdragon111 140600 coolmariano_jeff767 celtics11 coolmariano_jeff767 celtics11 Afar_Malaysia90 hidayah100% Unoichi felipelupin12 KillerNine123 roxasz12 killdog102 football1 konen100 gotmilk1 EvilxSin g-set1200 i Demi_Lovato violin2 i RaWrz_BitChx3 aarocks13 Cuttie for life 22ewoodburn bluesyd10 calinisan10 xpaqman76x ironman95 Emi kitty romanose dragon60 FadingLoveX 4ff6a5738 watyatink harrypotter patty53 vawser ultra neonshadow 6581661 321_Zion123 zxcvbnm,./ angle-chrelle 3646890 Law_19 Fall 2008 KillerNine123 mynine123 xdragonkingx yangricky i-RockYuhh elmosworld andrew-rawrs DR33420065k renjiking11 naruto1 nini_baby123 ninibaby123 forgotten_padfoot zxcvbnm Kawaii_YumiLuv kawaiilover blueangelz_rulez17 axelr82r sadam3ro 13879428ok xX Sinful Flame Xx fatskater8 blake_1001 deepthebest14 blake_1001 deepthebest14 amirtaiko 8454960 Razvy007 gaiaonline Chunkeh ellie7 XBlack Crimson DeathX Margarito1 webbkill applecat1 x_flammingsparky_x lightningshot72 lord shadow dark seaworld890 evilrockstar1999 gio123 isaiah111 speedy Ravynhart blackout crazecl1p gizmo1998 djmuk611 brittnjr12 foxykitty168 sassy228 Ravynhart blackout wickd-aaron cheese infinite-153 pepsis MidnightMagiKx3 dreamlife123 coach little man qazwsxedc123 anamarie099 martin anamarie099 martin P3r3zHilt0n 123456 severus09 severus xxdevil hellxx mexico09 mystery messy asdfghjkl xx_Nicole_sexy_girl_xx nicosef Xx Lovely Ayumie xX 09108397756 cookiecakesx qazwsx felfion joshua teh_uber_noodle_buttsecks black650 Juhlamokka zoomerang9 Ankoku_kurai_12 deathstream xX Skeleton Flame Xx fallout3 iDemon_Angel keepout8 sgt tinchee naruto77998 kizia1 danterules playa4059 garcia465 Blubber Muffins mudkipz7 Yukito Motosua c59877895 devmil 123gnat123 Chopped Skittles- xlllxlll lastresort1 Xx- prince nick -xX greenly45 sango3452 miroku wolfangle935 konta979 pokemon man 11210 kookie33 MirrumX3 dingleberry234 alexanderules alex123 Darkrevelation3 mageslayer098 newbie_josan2 freebie Deamon Uchiha Sasuke007 Demona_16 cheo131415 justin hooker 1 justine1 loopieloopie likeable1 x_flammingsparky_x ahmed789 dcbc 909090 Law_19 Fall 2008 firceDietylink cyberDark Master Angel 247 vijay5555 happy_vaneto 242529 Jennifer3546 jennifer1 Kawaii_YumiLuv kawaiilover123 Sukii xD il0vejir0 Reaping-Taco golden77 Lord_SAJ_Black Password123 kennethrussell16 kennethrussellnipit16 Levracer gaiaonline sasukety yankees12 CoNeJiTa007 ChIkA cRaZy anamaria1 november trelgo saske200 gdsds 252523 Okaiba azure1 Dragunkale akale22 iDuckiez bestfriends123 zdw1004 batman Wolfy3000_XP_XD Masonds10 Okiaba azure1 Dragunkale akale22 Wolfy3000_XP_XD_ Masonds10 Sage of binding wind hogwarts111 XxPoke-Me-For-PiexX ploppy hey_hay_hay hibyby ichigo_mashi glitter6 xXdeath_note_freakoXx starfisher96 ur username oblivion1 The Real Pielover101 damasta300 The Real Pielover101 damasta300 madtiger18 corcoran1 ronxavier coolron7 kiwi1905 bunny761 xXxcarmxXx 223654carm oregonlove oregonlove Gangsta dantheman quezada50panther i am llcolj Qwerty123 scammerscamys darkstar2222 1995josh lolipopcookie stonerock1 doctor hoffman philip321 beginanotherday chris lane 11 happy_vaneto 000121270v GraysonW ericbff1 Arapose magic111 titeng galet eno741852963 steve_996 akirathedon smokey_boy321 babetsabet Levracer gaiaonline earljohn089 earljohn089 uaq1tgf66 Neji_Hyuuga655 polkadott56 atlus777 fucksquiig money slayer 12castin sweet xxprincess101xx krishnapatelm12 gadence martinez grand chi towngangsta abcdefghijklmnopqrs123 rinakitten chadrobson2 silent_assassin911 ihaterunescape Emi kitty thugkreation bigsexy thugamaniaisback lilthug smileybits iLove2swIm youngibbs youngman1 the_forgotten_n_unloved freebie money slayer 12castin inuyasha rain takahashi inumiandskye badass572x cocacola1 c-bonecrusher seahawks98 Luigimaster5 123green earljohn089 uaq1tgf66 l richie rich l snowflake1 suuu_perman aerikim63 xXxEmoSkateboarderxXx daniel15 bam37 heartagram niyah12 backspace1 fly29 12356789 hidden_failure pokemon123 ghettopooh6 ryanmukes16 Sub-Zero 83 cardinals98 popstar665 ilikecandy1 hacker account benita12 surferdude202 abc123 chikapikachan abc123 MoldiSoul smarts22 h h milka139 milka10 unclebabybbhd unclebaby24 kikiyo99 8788858 therock 541 xXs3xy_gangstaXX patrick23 emo looking for love nicholas1 ishida_girl ichigo crazecl1p lolababy1926 king shugo dramon king shugo dramon xlllxlll lastresort1 xXSmexy_StrawberryXx pokemon xX_I_love _Pie_Xx p1ayers8 uchiha servant itachiisnumber1 Bamafan3639 gaiaonline2 Ultra ray_129 redhawk129 slaughter 97 147852369 loveya987 8671153 oreoman99 oreoman88 copter11 turtle08 ryomaechizen66 echizen9 LOVEYOU229 togoodforyou9 ultra neonshadow 6581661 crl_rockz_3 adrian crl_rockz_3 adrian linksu rofl KrAzYxBA11A alesci22 x_flammingsparky_x sasuke789 smartcutie12345 kittycat devil king of darknes sasukesasuke123 xSPARTTANx naruto67 smith5678 baseball67 sambo4567 spike! jayren54 201960 mercenary_lover_sarianna cheryl Mega Nerf Guy 1234567a dragongod3000 yangfamily10 ronan987 echizen9 chimuela95 damasta300 monster XxSamdolsxX ferrari nameis1 12345678q king_of_kool54 doorknob2 sweetnami bobobo5 kingkong1707 bikerboy54 popstar665 Iliketacoz.2 darkblade555 mintmoney x-iCOREEYYY yourabitchasshoe*****1 ii2_fresh_fo_u 1chance mdp20 barton Anime god x simran45 drumaboy10 drummer10 Xx_iiCrazyCookiie_xX vanessa3184life patrickking7 radiomix1 liittle_hotty sexygirl7 good_guy123 akgold123 dominicismario dragonballz teh cheezy puff 888monag gothicxVAMPIREX katikitty Silentfrznrain 1deathnote Grandmaster cloud asshole Koco1001 club penguin4 omfg is that u ryan0614 24 bacon rox 24 koalalord0 YumYumYumy Nickward1 jinni zeala 12ebo12n MileyFan4 Naruto prince_of_saiyan_vegeta a7xforlife jvocnic157 spongebob devinske13 regionalchamps08
yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 14 Dec. 2017 07:19pm #7
- 14 Dec. 2017 07:22pm #8yup this is really me gamersoul AVA
- 11 Feb. 2018 11:24am #9