I can't be sure what all's going around privately but as far as I know this is actually the best money-making bot ever created that doesn't exploit bugs or something like that. On average I estimate it makes around ~50 mill per hour and that was back the last time I used it before this latest round of hyper-inflation.
This is a vend bot that can decide whether an arbitrary item is a good buy or not. It knows if an item is artificially inflated, hard to sell, etc, because it can read the ABP and volume charts.
You might remember my marketplace buying greasemonkey script from like last year, and I said I was working on something better. Well I was, and I finished a long time ago, but have been keeping it under wraps because I was using it. Now I'm so rich it's not even worth the two minutes of effort per day it takes to get it up and running. Every day my net worth goes up or down by 4 or 5 billion just from the market insanity... So I've just gone completely to hoarding instead. (And tbh that's gonna get annoying soon too so... stay tuned and you'll probably see my account for sale!)
Anyway, here's the video, sorry it's so long and boring, it didn't feel so long when I was filming. The important parts are:
0 - Start indexer
10:15 - view log
18:00 starts vending
26:40 marks Ashen Marionette for buy
I definitely won't release an executable and I may or may not some day release the source.
If anyone has a throwaway account in T3h Vending Guild, you should post this video there. I was one of the top venders in there and no one ever suspectedI don't think.
I was going to post the video text in the description but I guess it's too long. So here it is:
What's up thugs
So here I am going to demonstrate my Gaia vend bot. I am going to start the phase #1 of the bot and then talk about it because it takes a while to do its thing...
So what this does is, it goes through the marketplace and finds items, looking at thousands of items, which it thinks would be a good buy at *some* price and then it suggests what that price is. Basically it finds out what you should pay for an item if you want to resell it and make a bunch of money.
So I know this has been attempted before and has ended in failure, as far as I'm aware in every case except this. This bot has been a great success. Why most such bots fail.
(by the way, I'll put the time of the video where i actually start vending in the comments if you want to skip ahead)
Why most such bots fail is because the only information they use is the lowest buy price and average buy price of an item. This is bad news because an item might be artificially inflated. For example, maybe an item is really only worth 100k, but someone bought one yesterday for 10 mill, and then the average buy price changes to 10 mill, and someone lists another one at 10 mill so the Lowest buy price is 10 mill too. Then the day after, the price will (couldnt type for a second somehow...) crash and burn and if your brilliant bot had bought you that item for 8 mill you'd be SOL
Anyhow the beauty of this bot is that it can read graphs and interpret them just a human vendor does. So the bot has at its disposal all the information that a human vendor does, and it can use that information to come to intelligent decisions about what you should pay for an item.
The bot can tell when an item is artificially inflated, when it is very volatile, or when it is hard to sell. In those cases it will either not recommend a buy price or it will recommend a very low buy price.
The bot is very good at this and I have trusted it with billions of coins and left it running unsupervised. It hasn't let me down. Well, it does make bad buys sometimes, but when I go and look at the charts, it's never actually the bot's mistake. Like for example, sometimes an item is selling at 10 mill every day for a whole month. The indexer sees that, and it chekcs the lowest buy price too (lets say that's also 10 mill) and it suggests a buy price of 8 mill because the item seems pretty stable.
But then later in the day a bunch of people start a price war and list that item at like 7.5 mill. Then you buy it for 8 and that's a whoopsie.
So yeah that happens sometimes, but fairly rarely, and when it does, my item selling script has the ability to check the lowest buy price when it sells, and if that lowest buy price is much lower than it was when the vend indexer bot came through, it will override the indexer's buy price with a new one (or if the price really crashes, the bot will decide not to buy that item anymore). So when it does make mistakes it can adjust itself so that it does not make them aghain.
I set the indexer to do 50 pages, still 11 to go... Usually I do many more pages but this is just for example purposes.
We can go have a look at the log to see what kind of prices it's suggesting....
So here is the bot's log, as you can see, pretty big already after what, ten minutes?
So we can see what kind of prices the bot is suggesting.
For blackjack here, that's a new item so that automatically gets a pretty low buy price, just a little more than half of the ABP
Same with dice roll, the bot is wary of new items
Obviously if we can't get the graph data we can't recommend the price
Now here's one the bot is a little more aggressive on because it has very high volume (units per day, the graph on the right) and doesn't have any terrible warning signs int he graph.
The bot likes high volume items, with a volume of like 75 like this item, even if there were some warning signs in the ABP graph, the bot would still suggest a pretty aggressive price because you will probably be able to sell it in like half an hour.
Ok here's an example of something that would be a pretty shitty buy... It's artificially nflated (or at least looks that way) and has shitty volume too. So it's a no buy (price suggestion: 0)
The indexer is done so now... we have a data file with all of the prices in JSON format (kinda)... that is here
So there's like 500 whatever suggested prices (you get a lot more if you do more pages. again, I just did 50).
So now we are going to put that into phase #2 of the bot which, if you've looked in the public programs section on logical gamers, you may have seen something similar from me once in an age long past....
Without further ado....
I'll keep the terminal up while im vending btw to hide username
time to roll
first i shoudl say though, i am logged into a throwaway account with n0o market pass or money so we wont actually be buying anything. the bot will just make an alert pop up with what it thinks we should buy and we can go check how much money we would have made had we actually bought it (the normal version of the bot can of course actually buy the items but for demonstration purposes i modified it to just show alert
So it will pro
i may have broken it too since it seemed to stop refreshing there form some reason, anyways lets check this suggestion out
That would have been an easy 290k for us. buy for 200, sell for or 485 i guess
It's also going kinda slow because I'm behind a VPN
Well.... In a normal hour I'd say this bot makes around 20-30 mill with a full price list (around 2500 items when i run it for the usual number of pages) but some hours are better than others and once in a while you get a vend that makes you like 100 mill. yesterday i got a beyond blue for like 4 mill and sold it for like 49 mill.
So on average the bot probably makes like 50 mill an hour. The best buy it ever did was a devil's tail for 550m. made 250m in the blink of an eye on that one.
Maybe i should have done more pages. An alert wills top the script execution, right? lol
FINALLY so, 23m for ashen marionette.... let's see there's a handy 6m for us. that was the kind of vend i was hoping would pop up during the demo.
So as you can see, pretty sweet bot.
So when will it be released to the public? Never! Sorry. Probably won't be released for money either because i would have to port it to windows and make an installer and that would be a pain
Well that's all folks. This was just a tech demo, so no bot to release to you, sorry
I know a lot of vendors and I have been vending for a long time, and I know several vendors who use bots. I am led to believe that no bot available is as powerful as this one, because I don't think anyone else has successfully nailed the graph-reading part.
And that's really all
Results 1 to 27 of 27
- 07 Apr. 2014 02:26am #1
Teaser: Gaia's most badassest bot
- 07 Apr. 2014 02:41am #2
What is this thread for?
Edit: I'll give you props for the clever name, but that's about all I commend. This is pretty much what I (and others) think of this thread.
penisburg - Pastebin.comLast edited by The Unintelligible; 07 Apr. 2014 at 02:56am.
I'm lightning on my feet
- 07 Apr. 2014 05:07am #3
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Ignore the frog dud, haters gonna hate, mostly when they edit their posts, a vending bot IS the most badassest way make gold
- 07 Apr. 2014 12:24pm #4
yeah whats the point if youre not going to share it
- 07 Apr. 2014 12:39pm #5
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Sublime 7.gud timez
- 07 Apr. 2014 01:07pm #6
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- 07 Apr. 2014 08:26pm #7
- 07 Apr. 2014 09:18pm #8
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- 07 Apr. 2014 09:29pm #9
- 08 Apr. 2014 03:10am #10
- 08 Apr. 2014 07:21am #11
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lol ok
- 08 Apr. 2014 08:16am #12
- 08 Apr. 2014 11:25pm #13
You guys are funny.
But you also took it the wrong way.
Executable will never be released because making an installer for it and porting it to Windows would be a pain the dick because of the libraries it links. I also don't like GUIs. Source may be released depending on how I decide to go further with this.
Which leads into "the point of the thread", not that most threads around here have points, so idk why I'm expected to have one here. But anyway the point is twofold:
1. Eventually people on Gaia will find this thread and I want people in T3h Vending Guild to know that one among them cheated to the top.
2. I have been playing with the idea of starting a subscription service that provides users with daily price lists. I didn't want to mention it before making a decision on that, wanted to see how many people would beg for it here, I didn't quite expect the reaction I got but I think that beneath the surface the moaning is equivalent to interest, as the feelings involved seem strong. Unless you waste your time ranting to buddies about every thread you think is pointless I guess.Last edited by cyanide; 08 Apr. 2014 at 11:37pm.
- 09 Apr. 2014 03:36am #14
You don't really need to make installers to distribute programs. That usually applies to larger software with multiple other (usually external) components.
Porting to something like Python (if you want it trk on different platforms) or C# (if you're deploying to a Windows audience) is sufficient. Installer not needed, I've never needed to make an installer for any gaia related scripts.
GUI is also not necessarily required, but to each his own. If you're going to make a thread like this, at least some detail on some of the inner-workings of the program would have been nice (for instance, you mentioned graphing. That was at least kind of interesting). But this thread was kind of just simply bragging. There's really no substance to that, it doesn't mean you aren't allowed to make the thread though.
Most threads around here don't have points? That's your opinion. If you make threads like this people are allowed to criticize them.
Cheated to the top? Such wow. Much accomplishment. This is hardly the top, bro.
Are you suggesting the people who complained about this thread are interested? On the contrary. Maybe Use, idk who else is interested as LG used to be a community of Gaia programmers/"cheaters". People here have since moved on, though.
Most gaia programs I made were either released with the source, released as a distribution, or not released at all. Pretty simple guidelines there. It's not too often that somebody just makes a thread about a program they've made and leaves it at that.
*i.e. Most recent gaia program I've made was a simple bot that I released in the programming section, not the gaia section. Source code.
Next time use a blog or something.Last edited by The Unintelligible; 09 Apr. 2014 at 03:50am.
I'm lightning on my feet
- 09 Apr. 2014 01:19pm #15
I would need an installer, I'm not just pulling things out of my ass here, as it does have external components (the main ones are libmagick, libtesseract + leptonica, a couple of others, plus installing the custom tesseract traineddata, which might answer your implied question about inner workings, you are free to ask). Rewriting it in a different language wouldn't be necessary, I'd just have to sub some Windows system calls for their Linux counterparts, and the biggest part would be switching to use Windows threads. Really it wouldn't be a shitton of work but it would be annoying busywork which is why it won't happen. Like I said though if I don't decide to try to make money off of it I will probably release the source and whoever can do whatever with it. Though this thread kind of makes me feel like I shouldn't bother if you've all "moved on" to bigger and better things. Sure fooled me. My assessment was that the botting scene sucks because none of them make money anymore. But I don't think the interest in the concept of botting itself or in Gaia is much diminished.
Well sure it's my opinion, and it's yours that the thread has no point. It has a point to me obviously, I stated them when you asked it of me ^. You're the mod though, if you think it's spam, delete it.
As far as other vendors, it's not about accomplishment it's about the exact opposite, actually, getting to the top with no related accomplishment involved, just cheating. There's a slightly more sinister goal as well, but I can't say it publicly or it won't happen. By "the top" I'm only speaking about vending. I know people have cracked the admin panel and generated a quadrillion gg and so on. I'm not comparing this to any of that. That's why I said I suspect it's the best money making bot that doesn't exploit bugs and such.
You and Use are the only people I've seen actually complain about it, unless you count the other dude in the chat, who sounded like he was just giving you an empathetic ear to vent into. Maybe its not interest but I'm not sure how to interpret the butthurt for a "pointless" thread that didn't even flame anyone or anything like that.
To expand on the inner workings on the graph images, the bot takes the graph, crops to the y axis labels on the left side, uses tesseract to get text for them, then it crops to the graph itself, thresholds the graph so that it's just a black line, and takes thirty vertical samples along the x-axis, and finds the black pixel (the line) in each of those samples. Using the y-axis label text from tesseract it can then convert that pixel location into a value (average buy price or volume, depending on which graph we're on). Now it has an array of the average buy prices on the last thirty days and one of the average volumes on the last thirty days.
- 09 Apr. 2014 02:33pm #16
Ah, I just assumed this was a small browser script of some sort (like GreaseMonkey). Sounds large enough to actually warrant an installer.
I didn't say that to imply we've moved on to "bigger" things, I mentioned that because guys like Artificial, Chad, MattSmith, etc., all former gaia programmers have moved on. For the most part, so have I. So has most of the old gaia "hackers" to be frank. Gaia's declining popularity made most of it pretty frivolous at this point. That and the fact that all the fun stuff is gone for the most part.
I did say you have the right to make this thread, it's not spam but I did initially question the point of it. You've made a few things clearer though.
Fair point about the non-exploitation nature of your bot. I kind of took your thread as "hey look at my cool program guys!" before.
Also I think the guys in the convo were being genuine rather than accommodating to me, that would be silly. You did write a lot about your program without giving much info about it or anything, and most market bots are pretty simple. Yours seems a bit more sophisticated though. Like I said, I was just confused as to what the point of this thread was. Not hating on you or anything.
Thank you for the detail you've given on your program. I'm not going to lie, now that you've explained it some it seems a lot more multi-dimensional than a lot of the old Market bots in the past. And anyone would be lying if they said they wouldn't be interested in the source code, as image manipulation isn't a common facet in market bots or gaia programs in general.
This is more unique than I had thought before. If you're planning on making profit from this, I'd say go for it. But if you ever plan on releasing the source I definitely would be interested in reviewing over it.
Edit: Interesting fact, the concept behind this bot was actually discussed a while ago by some of the programmers here. Don't know if you've seen it already but: http://forum.logicalgamers.com/progr...ject-mine.htmlLast edited by The Unintelligible; 09 Apr. 2014 at 02:42pm.
I'm lightning on my feet
- 10 Apr. 2014 12:25am #17
- 10 Apr. 2014 12:38am #18
Lol fuck it who am I kidding I'm too lazy to try to charge people for it.
Knock yourselves out: https://github.com/y0ur-m0m/VendIndexer
If you want to actually build it you will need:
libcurl (I recommend the gnutls version, that's what I used since it has best support for multithreading)
I may be forgetting one or two.
Once you build, to actually run it you must:
Install the ga2.traineddata tesseract training data file in the root directory.
You must have Tor running on port 9050.
Don't ask for help if you can't build it just look at it and maybe you'll learn something new.
- 10 Apr. 2014 01:08am #19
Whenever I reset LGG (maybe this summer?), there will be an automated system that will allow you to charge for programs and earn USD via PayPal
- 10 Apr. 2014 01:12am #20
Great contribution man. Interesting C++ code.
I appreciate it. Will look over the source code whenever I get the chance.I'm lightning on my feet
- 10 Apr. 2014 10:56pm #21
- 11 Apr. 2014 07:48am #22
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- 11 Apr. 2014 02:36pm #23
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+rep for sharing source.
good shit, thanks for making it public.https://discord.gg/TvN6xUb ~ chat on discord pls.
- 11 Apr. 2014 09:25pm #24
- 12 Apr. 2014 05:12am #25
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- 12 Apr. 2014 01:21pm #26
Me and Aleena are (were) fucking best friends. Tighter than a new born babies vagina. That is why our list was so similar. He shared so many things he didn't release on LG just due to how much me and him talked. He is super smart. But my whole time talking to him, I still think it's a girl.
- 15 Apr. 2014 05:45am #27