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- 08 Aug. 2013 08:14pm #1
It was a joke
Last edited by xxcookie; 09 Aug. 2013 at 08:10pm.
- 08 Aug. 2013 09:02pm #2
ur dumb
- 08 Aug. 2013 09:10pm #3
Only mod position Gaia would throw out is some sort of forum modship that has no powers to benefit any member. I imagine the mods with actual power are either personal friends with the higher ups, on payroll, or otherwise on first-name basis with at least one admin.
- 08 Aug. 2013 09:23pm #4
lol it was a joke..
The smily at the end was supposed to give it away since it looks derpy.
- 08 Aug. 2013 10:07pm #5
Even if you have to get close with the higher ups, it could probably be done.
Double agent for the win.
- 09 Aug. 2013 02:29am #6
Or get sued because you broke a legal binding contract you agree to once becoming a mod (if you even got that far).
I don't get why everyone here keeps trying to come up with these junk ideas, it only serves to make the people here look dumber. You have to go through a lot of hoops to become a mod. They require you to agree to a contract, and you fill out a form similar to a normal job application which will include proof of identity, SSN I believe, and more followed by a phone interview. Normally you will have had to of been on Gaia for many years with good standing (reporting tons of posts doesn't matter to them) as well as normally being friends of other mods or staff.Last edited by Tree; 09 Aug. 2013 at 02:34am.
- 09 Aug. 2013 02:59am #7
Looking at the different levels of modship Gaia has, they definitely don't require that for every mod position. Some mod positions are as basic as forum mods, which wouldn't require an SSN any more than you had to supply one to get your position.
I wouldn't be surprised if they required an SSN to be given a mod position that has unbanning privileges, but at the same time any payroll position would require an SSN, and they may also only give banning permissions to mods on payroll as incentive not to abuse it.
- 09 Aug. 2013 03:15am #8
Depends, there are forum assistants which are normally assigned by mods themselves, but other than that all mods no matter the level I believe go through the same process. This is all coming from when they were looking for mods a few years back, and had a contract, application, and more which also stated what you would be required to give if accepted after phone interview.
- 09 Aug. 2013 01:54pm #9
I intend to apply for modship when I turn 18.
IP bans for everyone here.
- 22 Aug. 2013 07:23pm #10
would've been pretty useful to have contacts you know that are mod's
- 22 Aug. 2013 08:02pm #11