would Me posting a tutorial on how to use a R-A-T for a certain website*cough*gaia*cough* be considered as underground material and if suld I be able to post and it get moved to underground because it is VERY easy to make a RAT for gaia, but it's basically a trojan. I'm not gonna put ANY download links, just the guide. it's not easy, and it's super effective in getting account info for gaia. also it's superbly illegal, but this is just a question. If something like this was posted, would I be considered for UG for the post of a superior hacking tool that many have overlooked?
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Thread: remote admin tool for gaia
- 14 Jul. 2013 06:54pm #1
remote admin tool for gaia
Sex is not the answer, sex is the question.YES!!! is the real answer.
- 14 Jul. 2013 09:31pm #2
Nobody has overlooked a RAT. They are extremely popular on many sites, and I've known of many people using them on Gaia.
I personally don't believe a RAT guide or download should be deemed as UG worthy (others might disagree) since it is so easy to find a guide on creating them.
If you want to make the guide just post it then. If people deem it UG worthy, then it will be moved.
- 15 Jul. 2013 01:12am #3
I can't seem to get my port to identify with the program. I use the IP that the site gave me but the port won't identify that the IP is correct. -facepalm- I've done this before just been a while.
Sex is not the answer, sex is the question.YES!!! is the real answer.
- 15 Jul. 2013 04:49am #4
Don't post anything illegal. That's pretty much it. I think that's in the official site rules, if those even exist. Just don't break the site rules. And if no illegal things isn't in the site rules, then don't do that either.
Pretty much don't cause LG to get shut down, because that's the opposite of activity.
- 15 Jul. 2013 05:01am #5
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you use rats?
so le hacker
- 15 Jul. 2013 05:41am #6
- 15 Jul. 2013 06:18am #7
<< i stumbled upon it, and maybe if i can get it t
rk, I'd make a tut, but pretty much rats are illegal. you can't think that this site doesn't host illegal stuff though. i mean gaiaonline bots are illegal, or anything that goes against the gaiaonline ToS is illegal. so the activity of me posting a tutorial is just about as legal. I can post in big red letters WARNING THIS IS ILLEGAL!!!
use caution when using a rat: proxy proxy proxySex is not the answer, sex is the question.YES!!! is the real answer.
- 15 Jul. 2013 07:06am #8
RATs aren't illegal. That's like saying computers are illegal because you can use them to engage in illegal activities.
Writing a guide on how to use them to scam others out of credit card and site log in data, that's a black area.
- 15 Jul. 2013 07:44am #9
Post the damn RAT.
- 15 Jul. 2013 03:33pm #10
- 15 Jul. 2013 04:08pm #11