So, Logical Gaia's slot bot was working beautifully for a while. It got me to over 5K tickets. Then out of nowhere it just died on me. Now every time I load it, it does a single play, then freezes with only "3/3 selling tickets" at the bottom. I haven't tried reinstalling the script yet, wanted to post here first and see if anyone else had this problem and had a solution for it.
Thanks in advance for any assistance guys!
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Thread: [Help] Logical Gaia freezing!
- 04 Jun. 2013 02:23pm #1
[Help] Logical Gaia freezing!
- 04 Jun. 2013 02:44pm #2
I would just re install it and see if that fixes it first ^^
- 04 Jun. 2013 03:36pm #3
Just tried re-installing, that still didn't help
I wonder if clearing my cache or something might do it.
- 04 Jun. 2013 04:29pm #4
Clearing your cache might help, worst that happens is you cant get it t
rk and have to get the other slots bot the one by Stapled. I like it, and it's what I use. the only down side is you have to buy your own tokens.
- 04 Jun. 2013 05:14pm #5
Yeah, clearing the cache didn't work either. I can't figure out what's wrong with it. Guess I'll just have to use another bot.
- 04 Jun. 2013 05:28pm #6
Wish I could help you. But I don't know (like anything about bots,) what's wrong with it. :/
- 04 Jun. 2013 08:26pm #7
It might be because you don't have the password so it auto-sells. It happened to me before.
- 04 Jun. 2013 08:32pm #8
Probably this. Although, it's not supposed to try to sell unless a password is entered. The password may be entered incorrectly, or I never uploaded the version that doesn't sell when there's no password set.
Just double check that setting. Make sure the password of the account you are logged into is the one set in the LGaia settings page.
- 04 Jun. 2013 11:11pm #9
I had this happen, you have to save your password in the settings so the bot sells the tickets for you and then it will buy more tokens, then it will work.
- 05 Jun. 2013 03:42am #10
That's probably the problem. I didn't have a password attached. Beyond that, it's not going to be able to sell them until tomorrow when I can buy a trading pass lol.
That's most likely it. Staff you can lock/close this thread whenever you feel like it.
Thanks for all of the help/recommendations everyone!