I've been botting with Logical Gaia's Ticket bot and I have over 10k tickets... What do i do with the tickets to get as much profit as possible?Do i sell all of them on the market place?? Do i use the tickets to buy an item and sell the item?
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Thread: What now?
- 29 Apr. 2013 08:05pm #1
What now?
- 30 Apr. 2013 03:27am #2
- 30 Apr. 2013 07:59pm #3
Don't sell them in the MP. Sell them in the forums. And sell them as tickets. Most of the time they buy tickets to get the more expensive items in Prize and Joy ticketwise.
- 04 May. 2013 07:42am #4
I don't sell them at all. just save them up for a item from prize and joy.
- 06 May. 2013 05:48am #5
just buy stuff with them
- 07 May. 2013 01:34am #6
Whered you get that bot D: I want one
- 07 May. 2013 01:36am #7
- 19 May. 2013 11:11pm #8
Really you could do both, however selling tickets on the market could take longer then buying an item from Prize and Joy and selling it. If your going to buy an item from Prize and Joy get an item that sells.
- 01 Jun. 2013 04:32pm #9
New bots plz
- 02 Jun. 2013 10:16am #10
I would sell in forums as said above
- 04 Jun. 2013 01:18pm #11
Sell most (if not all) items in the Exchange after hoarding them. I usually get a full page of various game items or so and make a mega-thread showing off the inventory. It usually yields better results than trying to sell an item from P&J.
- 04 Jun. 2013 03:57pm #12
I have no idea which is the best way to make the most gold. I just sell my tickets off. But you may make more profit with an item. just check the items you have enough tickets for and see what method you want to go with.
- 04 Jun. 2013 04:10pm #13
Tickets always go for shit prices on the market. Sell them in the forums. Go to the games section, then the exchange, then gaming items. If you don't see anyone buying for 3+ gold per ticket, make a post. Include how many you want to sell, and the price you want to sell them for. 3-4g per is the usual. I always go for 3 unless inflation has kicked in, then I go for 1 or 0.5 under the competition.
I used to sell hundreds of thousands of tickets this way and made a killing. It's literally the best way to deal with tickets.
- 04 Jun. 2013 04:51pm #14