The first person that can get me this persons...
- Username
- Inventory
- Picture of Profile
- Post history
- Any account info (Registration date, user ID, etc)
Will get a lump sum of LGG.
Anyone with all of it will get 500 LGG. If you only have one or two of those things (Say you have a picture of their profile and nothing else) you'll get a smaller sum of LGG.
The only thing I know about this person is that this is a picture of their avatar:
The url of that image:
And I think this is their profile, but I could be mistaken:Code:
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Anyway, let the games begin!
Results 1 to 18 of 18
- 29 Mar. 2013 05:45pm #1
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The first person that can get me this will get a reward
- 29 Mar. 2013 06:11pm #2
That isn't their profile, it's too long to be a user ID and pretty sure usernames need at least one letter in it. The number you see before _flip doesn't have anything to do with their user ID.
- 29 Mar. 2013 06:32pm #3
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I don't believe usernames need a letter.
Also, right click a picture of your avatar, and copy the data before _flip
then, go to and where the x's are, paste that data. It will take you to your profile. that's why I think it's the person's profile, but I'm not sure.
But hey, if you can get me any of the info I listed, I would be happy to pay you LGG! :D
- 29 Mar. 2013 06:43pm #4
Nope, it only takes you to your profile because if a profile or user doesn't exist, it takes you to your profile by default. You can paste anything into there and it will always default to your profile. Same applies to if you do it to So for example, will take you to lanzers profile, but so will
- 29 Mar. 2013 06:51pm #5
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- 29 Mar. 2013 06:58pm #6
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:01pm #7
Yeah I'd be more interested in part of what you're getting from this account ;D
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:03pm #8
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:03pm #9
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The reason I'm looking for this person's information is because I believe they're a hacker, but I don't think they have a forum like LG that they post stuff on. They were going after the same info I was, and the only trace was because an image of their avatar was left
so that's why, I'm just interested in contacting them.
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:04pm #10
I think he just got that picture from the Shops | Gaia Online
not actually targeting anyonenvm
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:06pm #11
I'm not sure why you want all that info since most of it can be found on her profile.
Here you go though.
- The user fieryange1
- her Post History
- a Picture of her Profile
- and Most of the Information
Ask Tree about getting the inventory, think that'd be more his field. Not sure if it's still doable either.
Lmao also, seems like she's a coder for Gaiaonline (or someone whrks closely with them) and not a hacker.
So if your intentions in fact ARE to steal her account (which I doubt), good luck.Last edited by Isonyx; 29 Mar. 2013 at 07:12pm.
I don't get tired.
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:09pm #12
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- 29 Mar. 2013 07:13pm #13
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:48pm #14
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:55pm #15
- 29 Mar. 2013 07:58pm #16
- 29 Mar. 2013 08:14pm #17
Lol, if anyone can get that info you're amazing.
I can't seem to get any usefull data :/
Anyway good job to the guy who got it.There's nothing ideal about being real, there's so many flaws to cover and conceal.
- 29 Mar. 2013 08:28pm #18
Damn I was too late
Ya Bish
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