"Gaia Administration Staff - Account Permanently Banned"
Haha so anyways, what have you guys been up to? I've been trying to see how many bans I can get and how fast, by advertising LG.
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- 16 Feb. 2013 11:50pm #1
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That awesome and hilarious feeling when you see 10 of these sitting in your inbox
- 16 Feb. 2013 11:58pm #2
Always the best use of cheap mules you find.
- 17 Feb. 2013 12:44am #3
That's nothing. Try doing what me and Isonyx did. Create a session stealer that automates banning a user by autonomously spamming different segments of Gaia with illicit material like porn.
It's not much either, but it was definitely way more fun.
- 17 Feb. 2013 01:10am #4
Oh man. A session stealer for a mass PMer.
- 17 Feb. 2013 01:22am #5
- 17 Feb. 2013 03:20am #6
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Session stealing auto PMer would be badass. Also Unintelligible, that's fucking hilarious haha. I'll have to try that out, any tips?
- 17 Feb. 2013 03:24am #7
1. Get/steal user's session
2. Hijack said session
3. Post porn and junk
I simply automated this process to make for an effective ban/user account tamperer.
- 17 Feb. 2013 04:35am #8
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- 17 Feb. 2013 04:39am #9
XSS would be the primary way to steal a session ID without tricking/coercing.
Brute forcing is unrelated to this entire subject matter lol.
- 17 Feb. 2013 05:35am #10
- 17 Feb. 2013 06:03am #11
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I feel like I'm learning in this thread.
All hail kitty pig.
- 17 Feb. 2013 06:48am #12
- 17 Feb. 2013 06:52am #13
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- 17 Feb. 2013 05:06pm #14
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I was saying brute forcing as in sequentially moving through numbers to find active SIDs.
How would you steal it though XSS? By stealing the user's cookie or something? Seems pretty cool haha, you could have a website constantly recording SIDs and then a program on your computer constantly checking a text file hosted on the site for new SIDs, and then when it gets a new SID it does the account-banning techniques lol. You could get people banned en mass.
- 17 Feb. 2013 08:14pm #15
There is no such thing as "sequentially moving through numbers to find active SIDs." That makes absolutely no sense lol. Session IDs are also alphanumeric. Session IDs aren't something you can randomly duplicate. That would require a ton of time and luck.
JavaScript. Also, that isn't possible. At least the basis of this idea isn't.
- 18 Feb. 2013 01:46am #16
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- 18 Feb. 2013 02:11am #17
If that's what you mean then that would be pointless lol.. Waste of bandwidth. Just stockpile the sessions and have a program sift through them. A server isn't required for something like a bulk ban.
At least you're trying to think outside of the box, though. That's a good thing.
- 18 Feb. 2013 02:47am #18
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- 18 Feb. 2013 06:51am #19
Flare's idea works. I made that exact program when I found out GSI publicly displays the session ID.
- 18 Feb. 2013 07:01am #20
Last edited by The Unintelligible; 18 Feb. 2013 at 07:30am.
- 18 Feb. 2013 07:48am #21
This thread makes me feel stupid.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
*Can't stalk this thread, leaves*
- 18 Feb. 2013 12:16pm #22
characters would of been better. he's basically trying to say if a session identification is still valid, then use said session identification. It's kind of like dumping invalid session identifications, and keeping the active ones.
flame I don't know why you said bruteforcing, just no.
- 18 Feb. 2013 07:58pm #23
I think it's a very efficient form of session stealing. It unfortunately requires a server to get the information from their client machine to yours, unless you want to be ballsy and have them connect directly to your computer. But IDK wh
uld want that.
He was being totes dumb about consecutive SSIDs, but he was on the money about what to do with stolen ones.
Gaia uses an API called GSI (I assume stands for game-server interaction or something, since that's effectively what it does). It allows Gaia's flash games to interact with the Gaia server. To do this, the flash games have to send an identifier that tells who you are (i.e. who is playing the game, i.e. who to reward with gold/whatever for playing the games). When browsing Gaia's main site, this "SSID" that identifies you is not public. It's stored in what is called an HTTP-only cookie, which means only the browser can read it, and not programs that function from within the browser. Since flash is a program that functions from within the browser, the flash games can't read your session ID, so they are the one exception -- Gaia publicly displays your session ID in the GSI so that flash games can "login" as you. As a result, other in-browser programs (such as anything written in JavaScript) can use the GSI to steal your session ID. If someone gets your session ID, they can set it as their own and thus enter your account.
The end.
- 18 Feb. 2013 07:59pm #24
- 18 Feb. 2013 08:31pm #25
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