Feel free to post any random or useful information you know about Gaia, it could be helpful to someone.


The number caps, or size of buffer I guess, appears to be 9223372036854775807.

If you go to the World Map link:

And change that one to a number higher than 9223372036854775807, it will always go back to 9223372036854775807.


If you're making a Gaia Bot for changing hacked account's usernames/passwords/emails quickly when you submit the account settings data, you also have to submit three hidden values:

chap, nonce, and token

Token and Nonce are the same, and chap appears to have no value.


Gaia Store Shopping Keys:

These could be helpful to anyone who's looking to implement automated buying into their script or anything, a nice listing of all keys so you don't have to go find them yourself.

They go here in the URL:

So, for example:

Barton Boutique: suobdlxpawwzvmcs
Durem Depot: ngabwpnnhvmyhins
Gambino Outfitters: tctmkgjtjekkblii
Global Imports: jqztgkvbtpraewh
H.R. Wesley: ggcmjiwqlqkpvbos
The Jock Strap: aqyvrienpejsqhlq
Junk in the Trunk: jeusorituensldjz
Cash Shop: hbjdcjkygqwygbqw
Dernier*Cri: eimzlapgnduengad
Ruby's Rack: uxzehjwiwxtrueit
Phin Phang: peoikjdnhbalvieu
Barton Jewelers: essxqbkkcfqhuyrn
Salon Durem: wdwoprgbzbtbjimf

(List not finished!)