Tokens: 847
Tickets: 213
Tokens spent (by bot): 681
Tickets received (by bot): 384
Tickets won this spin: 3

Converting tokens and tickets to their Gaia gold value, it comes out to 26 gold/minute profit. Which I imagine is pretty shitty, but if you leave it running overnight (8 hours), it'd amount to 12,500. Leaving it to run all day amounts to 37,500. Is that anything worthwhile? Worth running?

Then of course run it on multiple accounts at the same time.

Just gotta add the part that will automatically buy more tokens whenever it runs out, and I think this will be a finished grinder, eh?

EDIT: 4 cents per day per mule that you run it on

So I guess it wouldn't be bad if you ran it on a bunch at once. I wonder what the risk of getting IP banned is, though.

EDIT2: Now it's at 60 gg/minute. I need to let this run a lot longer before analyzing statistics on it. I'll get back to you on exactly how profitable the slots machines are.