How do you get your gaia cash if u buy it or not?
im just wondering cuz im bored
Poll Results: How do you get your GC.
1 14.29% -
Cell Phone
1 14.29% -
Hack people and stuff with their GC.
3 42.86% -
I dont use it.
2 28.57%
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7 Votes
Results 1 to 16 of 16
Thread: How do u get Gaia cash?
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:15pm #1
How do u get Gaia cash?
Last edited by Digital; 21 Dec. 2009 at 07:18pm.
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:18pm #2
If i do get GaiaCash (which i'm not)
I propaly buy GaiaCash Card because it give me the Exclusive Items and not Frozen for 7 days because of Paypal policy..
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:19pm #3
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:20pm #4If you get gaia cash you can use PayPal or regular money from stores
and then once you purchase online you will receive a code from gaia through email and if you purchase from stores you will see a code when you scratch the part where it says scratch gently.
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:23pm #5
i dont use paypal
ive bought gaiacash once and thats cuz it was a bundle nd it was and it was selling for 800k on MP
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:24pm #6
well i go to the gas station i buy a card. i scratch it write down the code. then i take it back saying it didn't work and they give me another card then i have 2 =]
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:29pm #7
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:38pm #8
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:41pm #9
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:45pm #10
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:47pm #11
Seriously, there is only one way of getting GC except hacking.
You can get it here, all methods are also here.
Gaia Cash | Gaia Online
Now, if you're bored..
Go in JY and spam, watch some porn or go and have a life.
This thread would be full of safe spams at any moment.
Which would cause headache for the staff who cleans the forum.
Got my point.?
If not, just look at Rape's post. -.-
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:48pm #12
I don't use it
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:49pm #13
yep.. if Gaia was to do it they would really lose money cuz its pixels...
nexon does it, its fully prepaid no taxes and all that good stuff
Edit: w/e i guess its spam thanks for telling my the nice way >>
i just wanted to know i shall stop reply to this topic now
- 21 Dec. 2009 07:51pm #14
i dont really buy it i dont she the point in buying something then i get banned so that was a waste of money
- 21 Dec. 2009 08:07pm #15
The way I get GaiaCash? My GaiaCash scam
50 ◉ 100 ◉ 250 ◉ 500 ◉ 1,000
Bronze ◉ Silver ◉ Gold
Respected ◉ Middle-Man ◉ VIP
[Guide] Balloons Hack
[Guide] Free GaiaCash
[Guide] Create an eMail From Any Website
[Guide] GaiaGold From zOMG!
[Guide] zOMG! EasyKiller
[Guide] Change Gold Earned From Towns
[Guide] WPE Gaia Vortex
- 21 Dec. 2009 10:02pm #16
Sometimes I do the offers.
Some other times I buy it with my Mobile Phone.