I Have So Many Banned Accounts, Can Someone UnBan Them !?!
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Thread: Banned Accounts
- 23 Aug. 2012 08:37am #1
Banned Accounts
- 23 Aug. 2012 03:20pm #2
No .
- 24 Aug. 2012 10:45am #3
Lmfao , this shit again.
- 24 Aug. 2012 02:57pm #4
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Sorry, but being here with one post, and asking people to unban accounts for you seems a bit suspicious. For all we know, you could be a Gaia employee trying to figure out a method of how hackers unban accounts. Either way, it's rude to come in here and ask for something when it's your first post, you've never even introduced yourself to us, nor have you posted anywhere else yet.
- 25 Aug. 2012 06:46am #5
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To build off of what Flare said, thats just down right rude. Now for my piece on this: there is no way to unban an account unless you have access to the moderator CP on gaia, if not higher. So here is my advice, start over.
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- 26 Aug. 2012 09:38am #6
Ok But To Introduce Myself My Name Is Mahmoud Hisham I'm From Egypt (Gaia Don't Have Mods From Egypt)
And I Don't Really Post A Lot But I Have Used A lot Of Your Programs !
- 26 Aug. 2012 11:08am #7
Maybe you should check out Chaos Programming's unbanner: Gaia Unbanner - Get unbanned from Gaia Online with our unbanner
Now let's see if that evolution by natural selection premise has any merit to it.Last edited by Artificial; 26 Aug. 2012 at 11:22am.
- 26 Aug. 2012 03:12pm #8
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- 26 Aug. 2012 03:39pm #9
- 26 Aug. 2012 06:09pm #10
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According to Aleena, a few of their bots actually worked. Not sure if that's true or not, as aleena is a neckbeard weird-ass guy who pretends to be a girl and is a disgusting furry and brony. So, I can't really take anything Aleena/Nirvash/CasshernStarwind has said to be true or not.
- 29 Aug. 2012 12:41am #11
- 10 Nov. 2012 11:45pm #12
- 11 Nov. 2012 12:25am #13
- 11 Nov. 2012 06:16am #14
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- 11 Nov. 2012 07:48am #15
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- 11 Nov. 2012 11:12am #16
There GoldenGaia was good i remember making a few mil over night
- 11 Nov. 2012 12:01pm #17
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- 11 Nov. 2012 03:17pm #18
Thanks for replying. I take it he's hated now. What's he done?
- 11 Nov. 2012 05:42pm #19
- 11 Nov. 2012 06:50pm #20
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- 12 Nov. 2012 10:25am #21
@drakonid - brohoof
@the unintelligable - fair enough i guess
- 12 Nov. 2012 04:05pm #22
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So, let's get a bit of history up in here....
Casshern is thought to be around 25-30, I think 27 if I remember correctly. He created Nirvash as a hacking name, and then Aleena came when he singed up for LG (I believe). He lives with his parents, in what sounds like a slightly broken household (When he was younger, he had to go to college with his mom (Or was it dad?)) and then, he SAYS that he went to college again at 15, but I don't believe him. If he did, it was probably just for a class or something. I believe that he went to college for culinary arts or something relating to them, as he's obsessed with cooking and such. Thus, he's also overweight, as you can see by the picture he posted in the LG pictures thread (Stickied in the JY). Looking at his fingers, you can see they're fatter than normal fingers, and that they're a man's. From there, he started doing RC drag racing, along with engineering RC cars. This makes me think that he may have done an undergrad or something like that in engineering. He also once mentioned that his horrible memory was a result of some tramatic event happening in his childhood. What this event was, I never discovered, but I assume it had something to do with his parents. Both of his parents smoke, or he smokes, and they have a smaller house. He lives somewhere in the midwest/south, I originally though Illinois as some searches resulted in a lot of stuff about Illinois, but then Kentucky popped up also. Both are possible. Apparently, some time after college, he became obsessed with Gaia. Another funny thing you can see from the pictures he posted on LG that they were originally sent to his Gaia friends. You can tell this because one of his Gaia accounts that he doesn't even remember having (Whenever I find an account of his, he denies it's his and says that someone must be impersonating him because of his reputation. I don't know of anyone whuld want to impersonate him at all, and think that he's either lying or it's another result of his horrible memory.) that has a pumpkin head, and some other stuff like that (like what he was wearing in the picture). Apparently, before I started talking to him, he had four other "disciples." The first one was apparently a complete moron, and his name was Cody. The second helped Casshern pull data out of the Admin panel and gaia staff accounts, and they went by Oblivion. The third was present when Casshern was cracking dozens of passwords and pulling out millions of Gaia Gold, and the second disciple was also there. They went by Hoshi and Erae. The fourth disciple, though, is unknown to me.
I'll update this post with the ENTIRE dox on Casshern later, but for now I'm just going off things I know off the top of my head.
Activities Casshern has done:
-Getting into the Admin panel, before, while, and after it was re-hosted on the test server
-He cracked thousands of accounts and flooded the economy with approximately one to two billion Gaia Gold
-He cracked the cryptocard pin code type thing that blocks normal users from accessing the development servers, even if they have staff usernames and passwords. He did this by RATting a Gaia Developer and stealing staff usernames and passwords, along with installing some sort of sniffer on the network.
-He hacked a popular furry porn comics website, and attempted to deface it. Overall, though, the hack was a complete fail
-He hacked something having to do with Gonline, I forget exactly what it was though
-With my help, we ended up finding SQL dumps from GOnline and Gaia Online, and I gave him the access levels to break into a few things at GOnline
-Every few months, or maybe it's every year, he takes out his hard drive and stores it in a saftey deposit box at the bank. I feel that this is a dumb thing to do, because he never accesses that data again. Also, he's practically just preserving it for the police if they ever catch him. This makes him practically start over with hacking Gaia every time he switches hard drives
-He's taking a "seven year break" from hacking Gaia, because apparently he's trying to get a new identity and move down to texas or something like that, and start over new. If you ask me, he sounds schizophrenic and paranoid.
Also, don't be afraid of him doxing you if you talk to him, unless he reads this post and changes his ways. He has a horrible memory, and never keeps any chat logs on MSN in fear of being butt-raped by the "cyber police".
Will update more on this later, because I have an entire document with his dox and more information. I also have a record of every picture he's ever sent me, every conversation we've had, etc etc.
EDIT: I don't give a fuck what anyone saysI feel this information should be public, and thus it will be.
Also, I had a ton of free time where I wasn't doing anything, that's why I wrote all of this up. I have most of it saved on my desktop, which I'm back on now.
PSN: AdorableNirvash
YouTube: TheLittleCuteThing
Gaia: CasshernStarwind
MSN: CasshernStarwind
Gaia: SexyVampiire
GameFAQs: chibikindaguy2
Central Time Zone
Most likely Illinois
Attended "Holeshot Drag Racing" at Orland Park, IL
Born in 1988
Josh Cyreal
Videos and such:
PS3 Friends:
PS3 Games:
Code:Sonic Generations Hard Corps: Uprising Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone PixelJunk Racders 2nd Lap Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light PixelJunk SideScroller Choplifter HD Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II Spelunker HD (JP) From Dust Castlevania: Harmony of Despair Awesomenauts Moon Diver PixelJunk Shooter 2 Need for Speed: Shift The House Of the Dead 4 Pinball arcade Asura's Wrath 機動戦士ガンダムUC Shadow of the Colossus Soldner-X 2: Final Prototype Resident Evil 4 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Sonic the Hedgehog Golden Axe HamsterBall Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars Inferno Pool Battle Fantasia The House Of The Dead 3 Battlefield 3 The Simpsons Arcade Game Sports Champions Acceleration of Suguri X Edition inFAMOUS Tetris Red Dead Redemption AMY Pac-Man Championship Edition DX White Knight Chronicles II Back to the Future - Episode 1: It's About Time Comet Crash Swords & Soldiers Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I Tomb Raider: Underworld Dungeon Defenders Sonic CD Marvel Pinball Crescent Pale Mist Dead Nation Spelunker HD Medal of Honor Medal of Honor: Frontline Dead Rising 2 Nier White Knight Chronicles Dead to Rights: Retribution Enslaved: Odyssey to the West X-Blades Costume Quest Prince of Persia Dead Space Ignition Prince of Persia: The Forgotton Sands Space Invaders Infinity Gene My Aquarium Sonic Adventure Uncharted 2: Among Theives Pain Gundemonium Recollection Uncharted: Drake's Fortune SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection Blur Hitogata Happa Mushroom wars Anarchy: Rush Hour Batman: Arkham Asylum Linger In Shadows God of War II Bayonetta God of War GundeadliGne Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Trine Frogger Returns Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer Grand Theft Auto IV Prototype Fuel Resident Evil 5 Final Fantasy XIII Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Assassin's Creed Final Fight:Double Imact まいにちいっしょ Saw Mega Man 10 Heavy Rain Call of Duty Classic Warhawk Dante's Inferno Thunder Neo UNO Super Stardust HD Lemmings detuned Borderlands High Velocity Bowling PixelJunk Shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Revenge of the Wounded Dragons Rock Band 2 Demon's Souls Disgaea 2: Absence of Justice Noby Noby Boy Digger HD Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Tiem Re-Shelled Katamari Forever WET Bejewled 2 Gunstar Heroes Zumar Marval vs. Capcom 2 Shatter Tank Battles Sonic Unleashed Cellfactor: Psychokinetic Wars WipEout HD Namco Museum Essentials BioShock Battlefield: Bad Company Katsuragi Misato Houdou Keikaku (JP) Fallout 3 Fat Princess Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 Need for Speed: Undercover Cross Edge LittleBigPlanet Dead Space Terminator Salvation Battlefield 1943 The Punisher: No Mercy Burnout Paradise Bomberman Ultra Wheel of Fortune Burn Zombie Burn! SOCOM: Confrontation Wolfenstein 3D Zen Pinball Echochrome Crash Commando The Last Guy PixelJunk Eden Tom Clancy's EndWar Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection Mirror's Edge Worms Flower Astro Trigger Guitar Hero: Metallica Flock! Crystal Defenders Call of Duty: World at War
Rusty Hearts
Team Fortress 2
Hitogata Happa
Sonic Generations
SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics
Brawl Busters
Gundemonium Tecollection
Dirt 3
Steam Friends:
Agent Koyote
Devastator Librarian Cirno
Lucian The Shield
Axel Daemon
RKS | Smithno13
Gangsta Omlett
HG | BooT the Inmate
Knight of the Round Nugget
Haithame SK
Random Info:
Name could be spelled "Alina" IRL
Either French or Armenian origins
Used to design Nitro Powered RC Drag Racing cars. Lives near some place called "Holeshot Drag Racing"
Affiliated with someone named Brian at Big Squid RC
Owns a PSP, PS3, Gaming Computer, Huge LCD TV
Possibly has long brown hair and glasses
Every single image casshern has ever sent me:
http://imgur.com/a/zzyGw#0Last edited by 323; 12 Nov. 2012 at 08:18pm.
- 12 Nov. 2012 05:21pm #23
- 12 Nov. 2012 07:23pm #24
- 12 Nov. 2012 07:29pm #25
- 12 Nov. 2012 08:23pm #26
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Permalink just in case it's somehow taken down some time:
Just remember logicalgamers.pastebay.net
- 12 Nov. 2012 08:50pm #27
that was your paste hahaha, I found it while browsing
- 12 Nov. 2012 08:58pm #28
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- 12 Nov. 2012 09:19pm #29
Flare ive got to say thank you for the info now im up to date on whats been going on.
Although i must say, you seem to had an acute case of OCD.
Either way man bless.
- 12 Nov. 2012 09:50pm #30
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- 13 Nov. 2012 01:52pm #31
although back to the original topic. Im sure we all wish we had an unbanner. I must have a good 3 billion sitting in banned accounts.
I have a question about the moddog pannel. Do all mods have it. And if so can you unban accounts via it
- 13 Nov. 2012 08:42pm #32
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I believe that all mods have it, and I'm not sure about the unbanning part. I do know for a fact, though, that you could do that with the Admin Panel. That would require breaking into an admins account though, which would most likely be significantly harder than a mod's account.
- 29 Nov. 2012 11:52pm #33
Well then we need a list of admin names and a colab between programmers .
I mean after all this is Gaia online not Google. How hard can it be ?
- 30 Nov. 2012 04:18pm #34
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What do you mean?
I can get you a list of administrator names, sure, but why do you need it? And what do you mean, a collaboration between programmers? I think that I'm the only programmer left that has any interest in Gaia. What would we need to collaborate on? Making a bruteforcer or something? Because Gaia's security measures have mostly prevented that, and the only way to get past it would take too much effort and time. It would probably be better to take my method of attack and look for exploits in the website itself. I'll let you know if I find anything at all, but it's highly unlikely.
- 30 Nov. 2012 08:39pm #35
- 03 Dec. 2012 03:54pm #36
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Just because something is nearly impossible doesn't mean you shouldn't try though! I'm going to be hitting Gaia's servers hard with a few nice new tools that I found on Linux. Probably wont find anything, but it's worth a look. I'll try to map the firewall and all of the directories and stuff.