ive been on a break, but im back now. but i think i need a little brush up from the pro's...
anyone willing to give free tips on how to spread fmp? the most productive way? or is everything even tips are paid nowadays..
anyway thanks in advance! to the people that would share their advices.
(p.s. i know how to upload to ftps etc, im asking how i can fool/trick people. )
Results 1 to 4 of 4
Thread: Tips on spreading FMP
- 30 Apr. 2012 10:26pm #1
Tips on spreading FMP
YOLO = You only live once, so do what you do best
- 01 May. 2012 01:49pm #2
- 02 May. 2012 12:49am #3
i spread the link in my signature yesterday, then today when i log on, they said my signature has been disabled.. then there is this link that makes your signature enabled again... wtf, was that? stupid gaia. haha
problem is there is the redirection warning which prevents it from being effective.do you know an external forum where i can post my links and scam people?
YOLO = You only live once, so do what you do best
- 16 May. 2012 09:20pm #4
Wix profiles.
If they click on a link that is in the Wix area, it doesn't have a redirection link.
also, tinyurl it.
"Buying with xxxxx gold" forums often ask for a link or will click the link if you post it right.
add random people and meebo it to them.
set up a seperate laptop or computer with a different IP address, use it to make profiles and use that to spread the link.
Use a proxy and make a lot of accts, keep using proxy to spread link.Sitting on Gaiaonline, questing ports.
B> Nothing. (saving for ports)
S> Gaia accounts, usernames and more.