Since when did this happened.? o.0
First time getting it.
Code:Your topic named: Art, Who doesn't love art.? 8D This topic had been removed from the General Discussion forum. Your post had been deleted due to a violation of the Terms of Service. On Gaia Online we encourage a friendly atmosphere which all users are expected to be respectful to each other. Subsequent messages like this will result of your account being blocked from this site. If you have any questions, contact a Gaia Online moderator with reference number 57152513_1 Additional notes: This is an official warning from Gaia Online. Posting, requesting, distributing, or offering links to password phishing sites anywhere on Gaia (including, but not limited to, private messages, the forums, profiles, Towns, games, and arenas) is not permitted. The term "sexually explicit content" includes materials such as explicit photographs, text, artwork, video, or cybersex conversations. Please note that continued conduct of this nature will result in future warnings, and multiple warnings may lead to your account being banned from Gaia. In order to prevent more warnings, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with our Terms of Service and Rules & Guidelines pages before proceeding. Sincerely, Site Moderator, SoundBlast
Results 1 to 13 of 13
Thread: Posting Option Disabled.
- 20 Dec. 2009 01:18pm #1
Posting Option Disabled.
- 20 Dec. 2009 01:22pm #2
- 20 Dec. 2009 01:24pm #3
So, that topic...was it linking to a phishing thing?
And, in that thing you posted..I see nothing about your posting being disabled (I did just awake so I might be missing it XD) but if so, that sucksIs it IP wide or just on the account?
- 20 Dec. 2009 01:41pm #4
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- 20 Dec. 2009 02:07pm #5
20 of my accounts have been banned cause i just keep going passed once they disable it
its annoying to be honest.
- 20 Dec. 2009 02:21pm #6
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I used to get that alot when I did the whole LM rampage a couple years ago. They must be onto whatever deeds you might be doing outside of your main account.
Originally Posted by C0FF1NCASE
- 20 Dec. 2009 03:48pm #7
It happens to me a lot
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- 20 Dec. 2009 04:29pm #8
Gaia has no life
But yeah it happens to most of us
- 21 Dec. 2009 08:40am #9Well gaia just disabled almost everything on my account including my trading pass and i cant post from posting Flws and shit
- 21 Dec. 2009 08:42am #10
why would they block it it doesnt have any thing fishy about it unless it had a tampon XD lol on topic**** maybe you had a nother post then they just disabled your post they did that to meh!!!
- 21 Dec. 2009 08:45am #11
- 21 Dec. 2009 09:37am #12
That happened to me once.
I made a thread about how men like to masturbate.
I got that warning. :/
- 21 Dec. 2009 04:14pm #13